Back when my parents were kids, they didn’t have the information that we do today. Drink coca cola, smoke cigarettes, cook with lard; it was all perfectly safe. It would be decades before we really understood any of the negative effects of eating bad things and having bad habits.
But today more than ever, people are fixated on doing right by their bodies; taking care to eat foods that empower each individual organ, sometimes each tissue, to work at its most efficient. One of those organs we need to care for are our intestines.
In 70 years, your intestines pass 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluid. Talk about a hard working organ! Every once in a while, it’s good to do a cleanse and make sure that your colon is clean and maintains a healthy flora of bacteria. This is an easy, two-ingredient recipe, that will help give you a good cleansing.
You will need:
- Linseed flour
- Kefir
What you’ll want to do is consume this instead of breakfast each morning for three weeks. During the first week, mix 1 tablespoon of linseed flour with 100 ml of kefir. During week two, mix 2 tablespoons of linseed flour in 100 ml of kefir. During the third week, mix 3 tablespoons of linseed flour in with 150 ml of kefir. When you make this mixture, take care not to make enough for more than two or three days. The flour spoils relatively quickly when mixed with kefir.
After three weeks, your colon should be in a healthier spot, and so will you!
Source: Higher Perspective
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