You may have heard some of the hype about “Fat Flush Water.” But how exactly does water flush fat out of your system? Clearly, water is not some kind of magic diet supplement. Your body needs enough water everyday to keep hydrated and cleanse itself of unwanted materials. Fat deposits that form on the body can be tough to break down and eliminate, but proper nutrition and exercise can help greatly with this.
Fat is broken down when the body uses its fat deposits to produce energy, the triglycerides in the fat cells are removed. Then, these are broken down into fatty acids and glycerols and are then absorbed into your muscle tissue and internal organs where they are then broken down even further through various chemical processes. If the products leftover from these chemical processes are not used by the body as energy, they are then considered waste products and need to be removed from the body. This is where the role of water comes in.
The Role Of Water
Water is the vehicle used to remove these waste products from the body. The leftover materials from the fat breakdown are then filtered out of your organs by the water that you drink. The water carries the waste to your bladder where it is then expelled from your body through your urine! Our bodies truly are amazing! It is important to drink enough water each day to keep you hydrated and facilitate the breakdown and elimination of fat cells. Many sources claim that you should be consuming around 8 glasses of water per day, but this number can largely vary depending on your size, how often you are exercising and even how hot it is outside. Try and keep drinking water consistently throughout the day and consider water before soda, fruit juices or other sugary drinks as these can actually dehydrate your body even more. Often a lack of energy and even headaches throughout the day are simply caused by mild dehydration. It is a good idea to make a conscious effort to drink more water. A little extra is definitely better than not enough!
The Fat Flush Water Recipe -And How It Works
2 Liters (64 oz.) Purified Water
1 Tangerine, sectioned
1/2 Grapefruit, sliced
1 Cucumber, sliced
4 Peppermint or Spearmint Leaves
Ice, (made from purified water) optional
Mix in a pitcher before bed and drink throughout the entire next day. Please consider using organic produce for this, if it is unavailable to you, thoroughly wash the produce before adding it to the water.
There you have it! Please be advised that drinking water alone or even this recipe for the water provided above is unlikely to burn fat on its own. This is considered a fat flush, meaning that you will still need to do the exercise that is required to break down the fat, so that it can then be eliminated by the body. Proper nutrition also plays a huge role, its not about restricting calories, but making sure to get enough calories for your body from healthy, lean, whole foods. At the very least, this tasty water recipe will give you some added nutrients throughout the day, and help to ensure that you are drinking enough water. Enjoy!
Much Love
Sources: LiveStrong, RawForBeauty, WomenFitness, Mayoclinic via Collective-Evolution
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