Skin cancer is a common form of cancer in the US, with nearly 5 million people treated for it every year. Each year there are more new cases of skin cancer diagnosed than instances of breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives. Knowing the signs of skin cancer is what could mean the difference between life and death. Look for:
1)Moles that have irregular, asymmetric shapes. Normal moles are round and symmetric.Of course, if you have any suspicions at all, see a physician. Can’t hurt to have it checked out.
2)Moles that have unequal, interrupted or uneven borders.
3)Moles that contain multiple colors, like black, brown, gray, and blue. Normal moles are one color.
4)Moles that are larger than a quarter inch in diameter.
5)Moles that change in color, shape, and size throughout life.
Source: SkinCaner.org – Do You Know Your ABCDEs via Higher Perspective
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