Natural Mom
We crash through life sometimes, quickly and clumsily, and don’t even notice. It’s easy for time to slip away from you– it goes by so fast, after all. Every once in a while it’s a good thing to just slow down and smell the roses; take a break from your busy life routine! You’ll find that once you do this, you’ll feel more empowered, enlightened, and at peace. Here are 24 Ways to be More at Peace With Yourself & the World:
1. Walk around barefoot at least one day a week, also known as earthing.
2. Try to do something nice for someone each day, even if it’s something as simple as giving a genuine complement. You never know how big of an impact you can have on someone’s day.
3. Pick up a piece of trash each day. It’s a simple thing to do to make the world cleaner.
4. Drink a glass of water in the morning. There’s tons of research that shows how amazing this is for your health.
5. When you’re passing someone in the streets or halls, give them a huge, genuine smile.
6. When the weather permits it, build a small fire. This is usually best with friends or family, but sitting by a fire even if you are by yourself is still a great way to find some inner peace.
7. Drink more tea.
8. Meditate. It does wonders for your mind, body, and soul.
9. Do yoga.
10. Exercise. Don’t say you’re going to exercise, just do it. Even if all you can commit to is 10 push ups before bed, that’s 3,650 push ups a year that you wouldn’t have done otherwise.
11. Read more. Try to stay away from the big media though, read independent authors and blogs, not fear-mongering, over-hyped news.
12. Surround yourself with positive people. Don’t hang around people who bring you down.
13. Laugh more.
14. Take one minute a day to just stop, relax, and appreciate the world around you. Don’t rush through your life, forgetting to see the everyday beauty. All it takes is 60 seconds.
15. Don’t eat things that have ingredients you can’t pronounce. Chicken Noodle Soup should only contain “chicken”, “noodles”, and any other herbs or spices needed. Not enzyme modified cheddar cheese and soy protein concentrate.
16. Climb more trees.
17. Go skinny dipping with friends.
18. Hang around children more. They bring happiness and joy to life– but sometimes it’s better to borrow them than to have your own (until you are ready, anyway).
19. Plant a garden. The bigger the better.
20. Eat more berries, nuts, and fruit.
21. Have more sex with someone you care about. You usually can’t go wrong with this.
22. Burn more incense.
23. Drink a glass of red wine every now and then. There’s lots of research that shows that a little bit of red wine is great for the heart, and can help cardiovascular patients heal.
24. Make something with your hands. Whether it’s carving wood, braiding a bracelet, or sewing clothing, there’s a certain amount of joy and pride to be had when you make something physical with your own two hands.
Use these ideas to reconnect with yourself when feeling lost in this busy world. You can do these things alone, or with a friend. Either way, these are great ideas to enjoy life and live in the moment– which, in turn, can make one feel more at peace with the world and with themselves. Do you do some of these things on a daily basis? Let us know in the comments!
Source: Hippy Bloggers
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