Each year, Baltimore restaurants look forward to “restaurant week”, a time where the city’s food is showcased and businesses are able to get a ton of free advertisement and new customers.
Instead of cashing in like everyone else, Michael Tabrizi, owner of “Tabrizi’s” will be closing his business to the general public in order to feed the city’s homeless at no cost.
“I decided that, after all of the chaos earlier this year, it would be better to do something for the city to unite the people. It isn’t about revenue and money right now, we’ve done restaurant week before and we know the numbers, but right now it’s more important to promote the welfare of the city and its residents rather than to promote the business,” Tabrizi told Baltimore Magazine.
“These people don’t only suffer from hunger, but also from hopelessness, they feel that they don’t have any dignity anymore. We want them to come in and feel like they’re cared for,” he added.
To get the food for no cost, Tabrizi has teamed up with local homeless shelters who donate food and time to the cause.
“The main goal is just to show people that actions do matter. Baltimore has a long way to recover and we can’t just rely on other people to lead. It’s our city. My dad used to always say, ‘You can’t control what people do and say, but you can control how you act.’ My reaction is bringing people together and showing them that I care,” Tabrizi said.
The charity effort will be taking place between July 20th and 25th.
John Vibes writes for True Activist and is an author, researcher and investigative journalist who takes a special interest in the counter culture and the drug war.
Source: True Activist
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