Having traveled to many countries around the world, I’ve noticed some of the most common mistakes travelers make whilst abroad. Some are so used to tipping in cafes that they do it everywhere, although in Japan such act would be treated as an offence. Others sincerely present their Ukrainian friends with even flowers without counting them while the even number of flowers can be brought only to the cemetery.
That’s why I decided to collect 18 travel mistakes I noticed people doing abroad to warn others. Keep on reading and always remember to research your travel destination before leaving.

Reasons not to do it
France - In fact, asking about money is impolite in many countries but French sometimes treat this especially critically.
Ukraine - People in Ukraine as well as in most Slavic countries bring even number of flowers to the cemeteries.
New Zealand - Honking in New Zealand is often used when intended to insult another driver pointing out that you strongly disagree with his or her actions.
India - Kissing or holding hand are also forbidden being considered as something highly inappropriate to do in public.
Japan - Japanese are proud to provide the best service as standard without waiting for the tips.
Mexico - Locals love to make jokes and they are generally fun and innocent, so treat it that way.
Norway - Many people don't go to church at all and such question would be rude to ask.
Turkey - This is an obscene gesture in Turkey.
UK - Such behaviour is usually condemned.
Ireland - Locals don't think they have any accent at all. There are only accents of other parts of Ireland that they recognise as such.
Germany - People believe that the person may not live to the birthday if congratulated with it beforehand.
Kenya - Only do it after someone has called you by the name first.
Chile - Manners matter here.
Singapore - Also don't feed birds, and don't throw garbage and don't spit on the street.
USA - Tipping is obligatory and there are even rates of how much to tip for any service you use.
Italy - Of course, you can order it in the restaurant but in such case be ready for the surprised look of the waiter. Italians drink cappuccino for breakfast, that's the reason.
Hungary - Though it's an old habit, some people still prefer to avoid clinking glasses especially when drinking beer.
China - They are believed to bring bad luck when given as presents.
Sources: Globelink.co.uk, Bored Panda via Idealist Revolution
PDA is condemned...Not anymore (coming from an indian)
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to add Iraq, well, I would say don't go there !!!
ReplyDeleteNot to tip is a Asian custom, not Japan alone. A better one to put up is "Think about other people and keep your voice low."
ReplyDeleteWHY.....WHY.....WHY! Ok some are self explanatory but in CHINA, WHY NOT give a clock or umbrella??
Deletea clock means that you wish the person to die. times runnin..
ReplyDeletedont know bout the umbrella tho
Hungarian one is not true exactly. we are clinking with glasses a lot. except with beers because of history.
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't know anything about the rest, but the one for Hungary is not true. People here don't like to clinck with beer, because austrian generals did it after the execution of the 13 hungarian generals of the 1848 independence war. But they do it now, because the sworn 150 years period is ocer now.
ReplyDeleteWell, I don't know anything about the rest, but the one for Hungary is not true. People here don't like to clinck with beer, because austrian generals did it after the execution of the 13 hungarian generals of the 1848 independence war. But they do it now, because the sworn 150 years period is ocer now.
ReplyDeleteI read this with some interest until I got to the Irish insult, I'm fully aware that I speak with an accent...........I'm not bloody stupid!!!!!! This is a patronising generalisation rather than pointing out a tradition or custom.
ReplyDeleteMimicking how somebody speaks is surly insulting no matter what your nationality???
In Turkey, don't show your host or hostess the sole of your shoe. It means you think they are lesser than you.
ReplyDeleteThe ones written for turkey are not correct, turkish men are a little rude and joking
DeleteThe Chile one is BS they eat the same as in any country maybe even more with the hands as the most common food is a completo; hot dog with lots of mayo, palta/avocado, tomato and your choice of salsa
ReplyDeleteÖhmm... we usually clink with our glasses in Hungary. Not always, but when we drink wine or pálinka, we do clink.
ReplyDeleteI'm an Indian , and PDA is no longer condemned , we have moved towards a much progressive society.
ReplyDeleteBut yes , some backward areas still have the regressive mindset.
Hungarians clink glasses when they toast. The rules are you have to look into the other person's eyes while you clink, and second we usually don't clink with beer. There's a legend about how Austrians celebrated our defeat by clinking with beer so the Hungarian nation made a vow not to clink with beer for 150 years. Although the 150 years passed, some people still not clink with beer. But it's only true for beer, every other booze are clinkable :D
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ReplyDeleteLOL I'm from Kenya and have never heard of that one before :P
New Zealand is wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe complete opposite is the case. They honk very often to say "thank you" etc. For example, if you are driving a slow car on a mountain road, and there is a faster one behind. Then you should let him pass, and for "thanks" he will honk.
I was really confused during my first days there, because in Germany is it like you said, we honk to show that we disagree :)
What click-baity nonsense.