The world is facing some huge problems. There’s a lot of talk about how to solve them. But talk doesn’t reduce pollution, or grow food, or heal the sick. That takes doing. This film is the story about a group of doers, the elegantly simple inventions they have made to change the lives of billions of people, and the unconventional billionaire spearheading the project.
This billionaire is giving 99% of his fortune to charity. Not just giving it away blindly, he funds cutting-edge scientific research and hi-tech inventions in order to help the financially weak and those who don't have electricity and water.
Manoj Bhargava became a billionaire by... accident. He’s the founder and CEO of 5-hour-energy, which suddenly became highly popular; it took him 24 hours to become extremely rich. (He's not the only one. Check out these billionaires who built their fortunes from scratch)
As he mentions in the documentary Billions In Change, he didn't know what to do with all this money. The documentary is Bjargava's initiative to answer his own question. As he states, he is a "do-er", which means that he believes that everything is possible - and that he can't stand hearing that something isn't.
Bjargava set aside a big building at the 5-hour energy offices and employed inventors, engineers and other professionals to come in and work. His wish was to help the world’s poorest people. He pays his team very well, so that they can buy whatever tools and 3D printers they need to get the job done.
The entrepreneur is worth $4bn and gives 99% of his income to the Billions in Change movement and its team of inventors. He points out that three billion people have no electricity. He tries to build products and technologies based around that fact, and dreams of how many wonderful things could come of providing just this one simple thing – electricity – that we absolutely take for granted in developed nations.
As Bjargava underlines: “Service to others seems the only intelligent choice for the use of wealth. The other choices especially personal consumption, seem either useless or harmful.”
Together with Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, Bhargava has signed up to the The Giving Pledge, through which the super wealthy promise to donate the majority of their fortune to good causes.
If you liked Manoj Bhargava's story, then you should check this out too: TED Banned This Billionaire For Exposing Capitalism’s Biggest Lie
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