At 9 years old, Hailey Fort has broken through any ceiling society may have built for her. She spends her time building mobile shelters for people that don't have anywhere to sleep.
It began when she was 5. She asked her mother about helping a homeless man in Bremerton, Washington, where they live. Her mother said yes and now they work together to provide shelters to those in need.
"You don’t get rained on and you feel safe and stay dry,” said Hailey. “It just doesn’t seem right that there are homeless people,” she told the local news. “I think everyone should have a place to live.”
In addition to secure, 8x4ft rooms, she grows and delivers them food.
Fort's goal this year is to grow 250 lbs of food, build 12 shelters and deliver thousands of toiletries and hygenic items. You can help her by purchasing something from her Amazon ‘wedding registry’ or by contributing to her GoFundMe campaign.

Watch this video of Haley and her exploits
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Source: Minds
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