This Runner Had A Painful Fall. Then She Stunned The Entire Crowd By Doing This!


Success and failure are part of life for each and every one of us, but we’re not measured by how we fall, it’s about how we pick ourselves up that matters most. An inspiring runner proved this point in only a way she could with the physical feet she had at hand.
This Runner Had A Paintful Fall. Then She Stunned The Entire Crowd By Doing This!

In 2008, Heather Dorniden a celebrated runner at the time for the University of Minnesota, was leading the pack during the final heat of the 600-meter race at the Big Ten Indoor Track Championships. There was about 200 meters of the race to go when Dorniden tripped, landing hard flat on her face.

Dorniden could have gracefully bowed out of the competition with just cause based on her injuries, but she didn’t; she chose to fight for what she had worked hard for instead. Rather than throwing in the towel, the young woman spring to her feet and began sprinting around the track, rapidly gaining speed.
“I knew team points were close, so there was never any doubt that I would finish the race,” Dorniden said in 2008, per the University of Minnesota Alumni Association website. “Luckily it was a home meet, so my whole team, my parents, and fans gave me so much energy. I heard the announcer say, ‘Watch out for Heather Dorniden.’ I thought, yeah, watch out for Heather.”
With seemingly inhuman like speed and ability, Dorniden managed to zip past her competitors, then crossing the finish line in first place.
“That last 50 meters, I hit a gear that I never knew I had,” Dorniden said, according to a 2009 post on the University of Minnesota website.
This admiral athlete’s incredible show of perseverance continues to move all those who witness it, regardless of the fact that this happened several years ago. There is no expiration on excellence.
“I can’t believe how she handled what could’ve destroyed her,” a viewer of the video remarked.
In the end, Dorniden clinched second place in the 600-meter finals at the 2008 Big Ten Indoor Championships. As a team, the University of Minnesota clinched the title of Big Ten Women’s Champion.

Watch the amazing footage of a formidable female, it’s impressive and inspiring, and sure to lift your spirits and motivate.

Source: Truth Seeker Daily, University of Minnesota



  1. Your article demonstrates a lack of respect for the English language.

  2. Yes, shut up snooty...that's guts...great win...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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Thinking Humanity: This Runner Had A Painful Fall. Then She Stunned The Entire Crowd By Doing This!
This Runner Had A Painful Fall. Then She Stunned The Entire Crowd By Doing This!
Success and failure are part of life for each and every one of us, but we’re not measured by how we fall, it’s about how we pick ourselves up that matters most. An inspiring runner proved this point in only a way she could with the physical feet she had at hand.!.jpg!.jpg
Thinking Humanity
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