Empathic ability allows you to read and understand people’s energy. This ability may be genetic, passing from generation to generation. You may share this ability with a relative, so look at your family tree; does anyone else seem to fit the description? Empaths have the ability to scan another’s energy for thoughts, feelings and possibly for past, present, and future life occurrences. Most empaths are unaware of how this really works, and have accepted that they are sensitive to other people’s energy. The ability to correctly perceive and to some extent mirror the energy of another is a challenge. This gift allows us to steer ourselves through life with added perception. You need to be selective and have coping skills in place, if not you will easily be overwhelmed.
These are some excellent methods for coping:
1. Schedule time with you:
Spending time alone creates the space needed to release emotion, energy and stress.
2. Positive Affirmations:
Short messages that train thought patterns. An example: “Let me receive what is in my best and highest good at this time”
3. Shielding:
Placing a protective shield of white light that is around and encasing you in a bubble, remember to make a grounding cord so you don’t float away!
4. Chakra Cleansing and Balancing:
Regular cleaning of the chakras will keep your energy field free of negative or unwanted energy. Re-balance them by bringing in energy that will create alignment and balance.
5. Centering:
Align yourself with spirit and get out of Ego. Try to live in the moment and whatever emotion comes up express and release it.
6. Stones:
Some people find that crystals and gemstones aid in clearing negative energy and maintaining balance. Choose yours by trying several different stones,and by paying attention to how each feels.
7. Aroma therapy:
Essential oils can enhance well being. Choose what elevates or calms your mood.
8. Forgiveness:
Forgiving others and forgiving self is one of the most powerful tools you have. It will clear your energy and raise your vibrational rate.
9. Grounding:
We have a grounding cord in the root chakra that connects us to the earth. Being aware of this and using this cord to both send negative energy into the earth where it is absorbed and drawing nourishing energy up from the center of the earth will increase your energetic flow.
10. Meditation:
Quiets the mind so you can center, be present and listen to the voice within.
11. Soothing Sounds:
Relax yourself using music or nature sounds.
12. Animals and Nature:
Being in Nature or spending time with our pets is a great way to relax, clear energy and connect.
13. Smudging:
The Native Americans have been doing this with great results for years. Burning sage while stating an intention is a great method for clearing energy.
14. Yoga:
Yoga is effective because it combines breathing, centering and grounding. A wonderful way to raise vibrational energy.
15. Gratitude and intention journal:
Ending the day by writing a list of things you are grateful for and then stating an intention to work towards keeps the energetic flow steady.
Source: Om Times via The Mind Unleashed
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Yeah, I have this experience from childhood, but the thing is others won't understand me,