How can we possibly find time to meditate or practice mindfulness in our busy lives? Among all the chaos it is hard to keep up with life let alone find time to meditate and practice ‘being in the now.’
Well, we have found 7 ways to make this practice part of your everyday life without changing around your schedule!

1. In the Shower

Whenever you take a bath or a shower use this time to cleanse your energy. Take some deep breaths and visualise the water washing all of the stress and negative energy away. This can be a powerful technique for balancing your chakras and feeling great. Practice slowing down your breathing and feel the amazing power of the water.
If you have seen our spirit science video on water maybe you can also practice sending love energy to the water or put healing crystals near the faucet so that the water coming through your house is cleaned energetically too.

If you drink any sort of herbal or natural beverage try slowing down. Take the time to savor the many smells and flavors of the drink. Take the time to breathe slowly, reflect, meditate and really be aware of that moment in your life. Visualise the healing that comes when you fill your body with good healthy fluids.

Each little flavor, color and smell is a whole new adventure. Slow down and see if you can identify all of the ingredients. Observe the impulse to eat specific foods and the impulse to eat fast. Slow down your mind and ask yourself why you feel those things.
Imagine the healing effects that your food will have on your body. Are you giving your body what it needs to feel whole, stay healthy and thrive? Observe the taking in of energy. This food is the basics that feed your body, mind and soul.

Waiting anywhere can be a great place to begin meditating. Slow everything down in your mind. Observe the people or objects around you. Take in the beauty and observe your feelings.
If you are safe to do so, close your eyes half way and take a deep breathe. Go inside yourself mentally and focus on your breathing. Observe the amazing chemical exchange going on inside your lungs with each breath. Oxygen to carbon dioxide over and over.

Walking can be a similar meditation to waiting in line. It can also be a good tool for people who struggle to sit still. When your body is distracted with the movement of walking, get your breathing in a good rhythm with your feet and clear your mind.
Recognise that everything in your path is there for a reason. If they weren’t supposed to be there they would have come earlier or left later. Those people are there in that moment on purpose. Take the time to smile, send loving energy to others and even strike up a conversation with someone.

If you have a Yoga, Stretching or Exercising practice every day this is the perfect time to meditate. Let your body do its thing while you practice your deep breathing, slowing down your mind and observing the world around you.
If you don’t have a regular practice take some time to at least stretch each day. You can do this while waiting for your morning coffee to brew, while waiting for your ride to come for work or while watching a movie at home. There are many times where we can stretch and keep our body loose and receptive while also practicing meditation.

Each night before bed, take a few minutes to take some deep breaths and clear your mind. This is a good time for a quick meditation about your day and your plans for life. Look at all of the patterns from your day and ask yourself what they mean on a big scale in your life. If you aren’t ready to go to sleep keep your eyes cracked open just a little so that you do not drift off.
When you are ready to sleep you can also use the relaxation techniques from meditation to help you rest easier. If you are anything like me you might have troubles sleeping because you are over analysing your day and stressing about tomorrow.

What I typically end up doing is bringing my attention to only the things inside my room. If my thoughts are about people, places or events happening outside of my room in that present moment then I tell myself that they don’t exist in this moment.
If that doesn’t calm my mind enough I will go one step further and go into my heart chakra space, deep inside and make the sound of my heart & breathing the only thing in existence. After that I am able to drift off and sleep deeply.
What are some of your tricks for finding time to meditate & be mindful? Let us know in the comments!
Thank you for reading, Kirsten
Source: The Spirit Science
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