The Ooho! orbs will replace toxic plastic!
Though they might look like something from a futuristic movie, the globs have a purpose, to battle the worldwide epidemic of plastic pollution.
According to this award website: Ooho!’s nomination.
When we drink bottled water we throw away plastic, [and] 80% of the bottles are not recycled….. Ooho! uses the culinary technique of sphereification, the water is encapsulated in a double gelatinous membrane. The technique consist into apply sodium alginate (E-401) from the brown algae and calcium chloride (E-509) in a concrete proportions in order to generate a gelification on the exterior of the liquid. The final package is simple, cheap (2ct/unit), resistant, hygienic, biodegradable and even eatable. Ooho! is licensed as creative commons so everyone could make them at their kitchen, modifying and innovating the “recipe.”
Source: True Activist
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