Scientists' studies have shown that highly creative people think in a different way. They often like being lost in their creative day-dreaming. If you are in a relationship with a highly creative person, then you need to know some things about them:
1) They enjoy spending time alone.
No one can drive cross-country on a single take of gas. In the same way, creative people need to frequently renew their source of inspiration and drive. Often, this requires solitude for periods of time.
Creative individuals have to act on their creativity. Otherwise, they’re left with an itch they can’t scratch. While they do enjoy the company of their friends, they’re also very passionate about their ideas and creations — sometimes to the point of obsession.
Who can blame them, though? When you have work you need to get done, being productive requires alone time. There’s always time to socialize.
2) They get easily bored.
They need to stay stimulated in order to stay active. They won’t focus on something they don’t like. Call them ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or whatever you like, this is just part of their genius.
3) They are very emotional.
To them, life is much louder and brighter; not because their senses pick up more information, but because they pay closer attention.
Creative individuals may often be introverted, but they spend just as much time looking outside as they do looking inside.
They pay better attention to the little things and, in doing so, allow those little things to elicit a greater emotional response than to the average, not-so-creative individual.
To them, the world has more meaning. To most of us, the world around us is just a blur. To creative individuals, it’s everything.
Of course, such individuals often do lose themselves along their journeys. No one in life has it easy. If anything, being creative can make dealing with reality more difficult.
4) Their working schedule might seem weird.
Many great artists have said that they do their best work either very early in the morning or late at night. Vladimir Nabokov started writing immediately after he woke up at 6 or 7 a.m., and Frank Lloyd Wright made a practice of waking up at 3 or 4 a.m. and working for several hours before heading back to bed. No matter when it is, individuals with high creative output will often figure out what time it is that their minds start firing up, and structure their days accordingly.
5) They daydream a lot.
By daydreaming, they let their imaginations run a little bit wild. No need to question it. It brings in new ideas, helps think about old problems and concepts a little differently, and at the end of it, they may be lead toward more profound conclusions.
6) They are very independent people.
They don’t like being told what to do or when to do things. They work best alone and feel totally confident walking their own path in life.
7) They like taking risks.
Creative people are risk takers. To imagine a product, create it, and then put it out there for all to see is risky, but creative people thrive on this kind of risk taking. It provides them with a sense of power and is intrinsically motivating and rewarding.
8) They exercise very often.
There’s plenty of evidence pointing to the benefits of exercise for creativity. Feeling good physically gets you in the right mood to focus and be productive. Exercise also forces you to have disconnected time (it’s tough to text or email while working out), and this allows you to reflect on whatever it is you’re working on. In a Stanford study, 90% of people were more creative after they exercised.
It’s no surprise that so many creative and successful people built exercise into their daily routines. Kurt Vonnegut took walks into the nearby town, swam laps, and did push-ups and sit-ups, Richard Branson runs every morning, and composers Beethoven and Tchaikovsky both walked daily.
9) They don't hold on to anything too tightly.
People who use creativity to their advantage understand life is a balancing act of holding on and letting go. They don't hold on to anything too tightly. They trust new opportunities will come in when they let go of what no longer works. What can you let go of?
It is not that you're either creative or you aren't. To be human means you have the potential to express yourself fully, which is the ultimate form of creativity. Allow yourself to be true to you and watch your creative sparks fly.
10) They know how to love.
They love. Everything. They love life, they love people, they love emotions, they love animals, they love beauty. They can stay in silence watching the most beautiful sunset they’ve ever seen, or be excited for the next big art exhibit in town. They can get lost in the rain and admire every raindrop like a child. No matter what, their love for life is contagious, and if you have some friends like this, stick with them. They will make your life a little more beautiful.