Are you in a relationship right now and you want to make your girlfriend like you more? I really don't think it's really difficult to understand women - as more people, especially men, are always saying. However some advices can do you no harm. Here are 10 things you need to know about your girlfriend. Most women will really appreciate it, if you read and understand the following:
1) Show your feelings for her.
In the beginning of a relationship, it's usually women who seek more attention from their man. That's understandable, but still a relationship requires some moments of affection by both genders. Don't be afraid to tell your girlfriend you're in love with her. If you're lucky enough, she'll be brave to say it first. But not all girls are like that. So don't keep your feelings for yourself - let her know!
2) Girls like it when guys ask advice from them.
This action just shows that you trust her, and that she’s someone you can count on. It's a myth that a guy should be the know-it-all type in a relationship. Couples should share their worries and trust each other. They should be friends too. If she cares about you, she will always be there to help you, no matter what. You also make her feel special when you ask her advice.
3) Don't take her for granted.
Women need to feel appreciated. This means that you need to remember to notice little things that she does - if she goes to the store and tries to buy you your favourite coffee or if she hauls a 6 pack of beer home for you in the rain. Keep in mind that even if she chose the wrong type of coffee or bought a beer that you really don't like, you still need to thank her and commend her effort; if you don't, she will think twice before making any more efforts for you in the future.
4) You don't need to be way too nice.
Kindness is a good thing, but only if you truly mean it. Being way too kind can sometimes result in getting comments about how women don’t really appreciate guys who are nice to them. In reality, women don't want a person who would sacrifice anything for them. Neither do men. People want to be with other people who are nice to them but love themselves too! If you completely sacrifice your self-respect in order to be overly accommodating and become hesitant to express your own thoughts or opinions for fear of disagreement or making waves, then I've got bad news for you. There is a big difference between being a good guy, and being a doormat. Please, don’t get the two confused.
5) A little bit of romance can't hurt.
Your girlfriend might not say it, but she wants you to surprise her. Not with some grand gesture you saw in a movie. She doesn’t need the guy lighting a hundred candles in the shape of a heart or a cheesy word, and she doesn’t need to be serenaded with soft guitar music. She needs something that is romantic to just the two of you, exactly to your definition.
6) Don't be so untidy.
Being messy isn’t cool. Women don’t want to date men who live like they’re in a fraternity house. Don’t fret; we don’t want to date someone who’s an OCD neat freak either. We don’t expect your fridge to be spotless or your t-shirts to be folded and lined up in a certain way. We want the bare minimum, really, just the basics. So, here’s a hint: We hate it when you leave the toilet seat up and we would like you to be a bit tidier in general.
7) Be funny.
Humour is one of the most important traits a person can have. Especially for women, who love men who are funny. You don't need to tell jokes all of the time nor to sarcastic when you should actually be serious! However, a little bit of laughing everyday will make both you and her happier. Don't take everything so seriously.
8) Spending time with your friends is good for both of you.
It is such a myth that girls dont like to let their guy just hang with the boys. When you find yourself in a relationship with the right person, being away from them is the last thing you want to do. Spending every waking moment with your significant other is great in the beginning of a relationship, but as you go on – it becomes smothering. Women want you to spend time with your buddies, not just because it’s a good thing for you to have your own friends, but because she’s probably tired of your face. Give her some air. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You’ ve got to let her miss you as well as you want to miss her too.
9) Touch her regularly.
Even the slightest touch can make a woman feel special. Make sure it's a respectful and gentle touch, and not one that's overly sexual or suggestive. Holding hands, hugging for no particular reason or a spontaneous kiss are all signs of physical affection that your girlfriend will love!
10) Don't be afraid to show your weaknesses.
It's true that women love strong men. However that doesn't mean that they want to date a tough guy with no insecurities at all. They want to be with a human being, just like they are. Trusting your girlfriend with your problems is a good thing. It shows that you can build a strong relationship and it also shows her that she can trust you too. It's nice having someone we can depend on, isn't it?
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