When something is wrong, try to make it right. That's what they tell us, right?
However, there are certain situations when you can't fix a broken relationship.
What do you do then? The best decision is to end it. It's really difficult, but it's for your own good.
Most people find it extremely hard to let go of someone or something. That's why they end up tied up to their old habits, even if these habits harm them.
What we all need to realize is that a loss is not necessarily something bad. That's only a myth society has taught us, making us fear of losing a person, making us fear of being alone. But that's life, and that's love.
Nothing can last forever. Especially happiness. We're happy today, we're sad tomorrow and the tables are always turning. We need to appreciate that to go on with our lives.
Happiness is not something to pursue or to chase. It comes naturally when we let go of what is covering it up. Learning to let go is extremely important to being happy. Every day things happen that have potential to make us angry, afraid, envious, or upset in some fashion.
Unhappiness happens for many reasons. While depression, and other psychological diseases, are certainly a clinical illness and should not be minimized, there are also factors that contribute to feeling down that you can influence.
Just like there is no perfect partner, there is also not a perfect life. Life is what you put into it, so if you are not willing to work hard and put forth effort, you will most likely end up miserable. The choices you make will directly reflect the life you lead. It is up to you to create the best possible world for yourself.
So, we need to be strong to face any loss, any break up, any bad moment. Our lives would be boring if everything was perfect, wouldn't they?
Every friendship and relationship is a learning curve, so instead of crying for the people who are absent, we should be glad for what is present in our lives.
That's the best lesson to learn when you are in a relationship - it can also be a friendship or a family relationship - with a person who doesn't make you happy anymore. This might be due to the other person's toxic behaviour, but it can also just happen, for no reason at all.
Some emotions don't last forever. Some others do. You need to know when you want a person to be with you forever and when you're just afraid of moving on.
Getting over a person or/and a certain situation might seem hard at first, but it will gradually make you feel stronger than yesterday.
We are all capable to decide who has a positive impact on our lives, meaning someone can only be defined as a loss if we choose to define them as one.
Despite of the situation, everything happens for a reason. It's us who defines this reason. If someone is with us, we have chosen them to be with us for a certain reason. If we break up with somebody, it's for a specific reason as well.
It might cause us tears or even regret for a period of time, but that's part of the mourning. As time goes by, we'll start realizing if we've made the right choice.
Remember that it's not forbidden to fall - you just have to find a way to get up. Falling isn't failure - it's just an inner desire to try again, to rise faster this time.
Most of us have been raised to believe that success is the ultimate goal to strive for—success here having the meaning of wealth and fame. But it is important to remember that worldly success and greatness are not the same thing, and that there are other kinds of success.
So you need to get rid of fear and anxiety. You only have one life to live, so make sure you live it as you want to.
Accept things the way they are. Accept people for who they are and how they behave. Accept who you are. Accept the world for what it is. Once you accept things, you can look deeper and see things for what they really are.
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