No matter how old you get, if you are young at heart, then you will always fall for children movies. Winnie-the-Pooh is now a classic! Author A.A. Milne created some of the most thoughtful and inspiring characters when he penned his Winne-the-Pooh novels and many of the quotes that were born from it have life lessons we can all learn from.
Take a look at the following heart-warming quotes:
1) “How do you spell ‘love’?” – Piglet
“You don’t spell it…you feel it.” – Pooh
2) Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
3) “What day is it?”
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.
4) “Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?”
“Supposing it didn’t,” said Pooh after careful thought.
Piglet was comforted by this.
5) Sometimes, if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.
6) Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.
7) “Rabbit’s clever,” said Pooh thoughtfully.
“Yes,” said Piglet, “Rabbit’s clever.”
“And he has Brain.”
“Yes,” said Piglet, “Rabbit has Brain.”
There was a long silence.
“I suppose,” said Pooh, “that that’s why he never understands anything.”
8) I was walking along looking for somebody, and then suddenly I wasn’t anymore.
9) Love is taking a few steps backward maybe even more…to give way to the happiness of the person you love.
10) I used to believe in forever, but forever's too good to be true.
11) You can’t stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.
12) A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.
13) How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.
14) Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.
15) I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.
16) One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.
17) But it isn’t easy, said Pooh. Because poetry and hums aren’t things which you get, they’re things which get you. And all you can do is to go where they can find you.
18) Some people care too much. I think it's called love.
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