Polish illustrator, artist, and co-owner of Morski Studio Graficzne Igor Morski creates surreal images imbued with hidden meaning. He graduated with honors from the Interior Architecture and Industrial Design Faculty at the State Higher School of Fine Art in Poznań, and worked for public broadcasting in the 80s and 90s, before finally pursuing a career in press illustration. Morski opened his own studio in 1995.
"Sometimes I used to use popular symbols, such as Pinocchio’s long nose," Morski told Bored Panda. "However, most frequently I have tried to think up my own symbols. For example, [my piece] “creative archaeology” is about the commercialisation of archaeology. There, I depict a halved human head filled with the sand with a stylised figure of Indiana Jones, the archaeologist, at the top. The symbolism becomes clear. On the one hand, you have the head filled with the sand, on the other, the figure digging in it."
More info: igor.morski.pl | Facebook (h/t: demilked, sunriseartists)

Source: Bored Panda
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