"Everything in moderation" is a pretty good rule to live by, especially where alcohol is concerned. Too much booze can cause high blood pressure (hypertension), which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. It can also cause you to gain a bunch of excess pounds thanks to all the extra calories in alcohol (there's roughly 200 calories in a pint of beer and about 230 calories in 100 grams of vodka).
When a heavy drinker gives up alcohol however, the physical metamorphosis is staggering. Take a look at these before and after pictures to see what we mean. Some of the people in the photographs are barely recognisable when compared alongside their former selves, and while some of them complemented quitting with exercise, the pictures nevertheless serve as a powerful reminder of what can happen when you party too hard.
#1 7 Months Sober

#2 1 Year Sober

#3 8.5 Months Sober

#4 6 Months Sober

#5 1.5 Years Sober

#6 1.5 Years Sober

#7 300 Days Sober

#8 1 Year Sober

#9 1 Year Sober

#10 5 Years Sober

#11 7 Years Sober

#12 99 Days Sober

#13 1 Year Sober

#14 1 Year Sober

#15 6 Months Sober

#16 156 Days Sober

#17 500 Days Sober

#18 3y 4m 17d Sober Together

#19 95 Days Sober

#20 1 Year Sober

#21 1 Year Sober

#22 6 Months Sober

#23 At 11 Months Sober (3.85 Years Now)

#24 4 Years Sober

#25 1 Year Sober

#26 77 Days Sober

#27 7 Months Sober

#28 1 Year Sober

#29 1 Year Sober

#30 100 Days Sober

#31 120 Days Without A Drink

#32 5 Months Sober

#33 5 Months Sober

#34 What A Difference 5+ Years Of Sobriety Makes! Sober Date: January 16, 2011. #recoveryrocks #iamtheevidence #gratitude

#35 2 Years

#36 151 Days Sober

#37 21 Months Sober

#38 Before & After :)

#39 2 Years

#40 19 Months Sober

#41 17 Months Sober

#42 1,368 Days Sober

#43 15 Months Sober

#44 9 Years Sober

#45 1,5 Years Sober

#46 13 Months Sober .. Not Only Did I Stop Alcohol And All Non Aa Substance I Also Stopped Drinking Soda

#47 2 Months Sober

#48 Before And ~6 Monthsish

#49 234 Days Sober

#50 8 Months Sober

#51 5 Years Sober

#52 1.5 Years Sober (100lbs Less)

#53 One Step At A Time

#54 1 Year Difference

#55 Best Decision I Ever Made.

#56 1 Year Sober (i'm On The Left) 😁

#57 234 Days Sober

#58 Before In Late 2011, Trying To Moderate. Got Sober 8/19/2012. After Is In August Of 2016. 45lbs Lighter + My Bp Without Meds Was 196/92, Now It Is 118/62.

#59 4 Months Sober

#60 30 Years.....

#61 15 Months Sober

#62 11 Years Sober

#63 13+ Years Sober Whollysober.com

#64 5.25 Years Sober

#65 1 Year Sober!

#66 3 Months Difference.. Left To Right.

#67 3.5 Years Sober!

#68 4 Years Sober

#69 10 Years Sober

#70 5 Years!

#71 11 Months And 19 Days Sober

#72 10 Months Down... Fat Face Mcgee. Go Cubs!

#73 Sober Nick

#74 4 Months Sans Booze

#75 Forstmann

#76 15 Months Sober

#77 3 Year's Sober

#78 18 Months!

#79 Sobriety Date 7/11/05

#80 12 Years Sober

#81 Not All Can Want It, But If You Truly Try You Can Defeat It Or At Least Minimize It

#82 At 77 Days, I Did My 1st Half Marathon!

#83 986 Days Sober!

#84 6 Months No Alcohol

#85 9 Months Sober

#86 21 Months Sober

#87 Before And After Drinking 3 1/2 Years Sober

#88 She & Him: 1715 & 1711 Days

#89 9 Months Sober

#90 Me Haha

#91 Sober Date 6.20.89 I Was 18.... 27years And Counting Odat ❤️

#92 Ten Months Sober

#93 928 Days Sober

#94 Second Day Sober ;)

#95 /:

#96 David Sullivan

#97 9 Months Sober

#98 My Last Day As An Alcoholic 8.18.14 Celebrating 2 Years 2 Months And 20 Days Sober

#99 10 Months Sober

#100 Yuck

#101 Char

#102 Ми

#103 3.38 Years Sober.

#104 7 Months

#105 Before 10 Months Sober

#106 318 Days Sober

#107 Before And After 12 Days In Rehab, 2yrs Ago.

#108 Before Rehab.

#109 22.5 Months Sober

#110 Me

#111 Hung Over

#112 Before

#113 Now 17 Months!

#114 Me

#115 After 12 Days In Rehab! 2years Ago.

#116 Good Looking Dude

#117 Was A Heavy Binge Drinker 15 Months Ago

#118 1 Year Sober Before And After

#119 Sober Since 9-9-2015

#120 289lbs

#121 Craigy Pooh

#122 8 Months Sober. (-70lbs)

#123 Sober For The First Time In Ten Years

#124 7 Months Sober, So Much Less Bloated!

#125 5 Years Sober

#126 If I Stopped Wine

#127 1999 Woodstock

#128 Just Wanted To Read An Article

#129 Before

#130 I Look The Same! Maybe Cuz I Don't Drink!

Source: Bored Panda
Can you please advise if you can help me get back my husband? That was the title of my message to a spiritual spell doctor called dr. wakina via (dr.wakinalovetemple@gmail.com). Please read to the end. Thanks....
DeleteI was really struggling to keep my Husband to myself. He works with an NGO and travels a lot to different countries, little do I know he already has another woman in South Africa with four month pregnancy for him. It was very hard for me to believe that my Husband can actually cheat on me, but pregnanting another woman is something else. We have four grown children already.
I was heartbroken when he wrote to say he has relocated permanently to South Africa because of his pregnant lover. I was so damaged, but there was nothing I could do, besides, I can’t even tell my family because they warned me earlier. So, my hope for his change of heart came to life on early hour of November 12 when he wrote again to say he is confused and frustrated and don’t know if it is me or her, before changing his mind again. My eyes suddenly opened and I realized his new lover is doing something evil to keep him there.
I prayed and was guided to consult a spell caster named dr. wakina via (dr.wakinalovetemple@gmail.com) for help. Hopefully the spell doctor helped me as expected and our marital issues were resolved. He returned home to us 7days after the spell. He pleaded and confess all his atrocities. The best part is after the love spell, his new lover confessed he is not responsible for the pregnancy, it was a strategy to tie him down. She finally commanded him to go back to his original family because she couldn’t withstand the power of the spell. Wow, it was mind blowing when the impossibility became possible. Spell really works and dr. wakina is indeed great.
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Very good article and i must say drinking is not good for health.