Marcio Jose Sanchez via Washington Post
Hundreds of thousands of scientists and concerned citizens are planning to march on Washington in protest of climate change denial.
President Donald Trump might believe climate change is a “hoax” invented by the Chinese, but the general consensus among reputable scientists is that the concern is a real one, not to be ignored. It’s because officials in Washington continue to favor the dying fossil fuel industry over renewable technologies and green incentives that hundreds of thousands of scientists and concerned citizens have pledged to march on Washington in protest.
According to the Washington Post, the idea for a march of scientists was born on Reddit and quickly gained steam. Professionals within the scientific community were discussing how to best make their voices heard, when someone put out a call to action for all scientists and anyone who supports empirical science to join in Washington, DC. The idea was undoubtedly inspired by the massive turnout of the Women’s March.
Reddit user RetardCharizard wrote:
“This isn’t just about jobs to us, if we cared about money we wouldn’t be in this field in the first place. This is about the future of every organism on earth, many that haven’t even been born yet. We have to fight.”
Caroline Weinberg, a public health researcher, spoke for many when she told The Washington Post that Trump’s recent freeze on EPA grants, in addition to ordering a communication blackout for U.S. scientists, has infuriated many. She wrote in an email:
“We were inspired (well, infuriated) by the current attacks on science from the new administration. Slashing funding and restricting scientists from communicating their findings (from tax-funded research!) with the public is absurd and cannot be allowed to stand as policy.”
More information about the already-established march will be shared by the ScienceMarchonDC Twitter account. Reportedly, a date for the protest will be soon be announced.
It has never been more important for scientists of all stripes to come together and have their voices heard in government.
— March for Science (@ScienceMarchDC) 25 Ιανουαρίου 2017
Thank you so much to everyone who volunteered today. We have hundreds of volunteers! If you don't hear back immediately, don't worry.
— March for Science (@ScienceMarchDC) 25 Ιανουαρίου 2017
The date of the March will be announced officially next week! Do not believe any rumors of a date until then!
— March for Science (@ScienceMarchDC) 25 Ιανουαρίου 2017
Source: True Activist
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This march will not be attended by scientists only but many people from routine life will contribute their part in such protests. This will be to save the globe from harmful factors. I am playing my role to write essay have awareness about environment change and how to protect it.