Giving back to the world through volunteer work is one of the best ways to spend your free time as well as provide much needed services to your community. There are many different ways to volunteer so it’s easy to find something that you both enjoy and feel good doing.
If you like babies, a new type of volunteer program has emerged to help provide infants with therapeutic healing experiences and the only requisite is that you have to cuddle with them.
As one might imagine, it can be incredibly emotional spending time with these special little ones who have been brought into this world already plagued with a troubled life. These babies have had parents who were drug addicts, meaning they were born addicted to certain substances right out of the womb.
Drug addiction rates all over the United States have rose as of late, leading to more and more children being born with addictions and then suffering from the subsequent neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).
In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that the prevalence of NAS has increased 383 percent since the year 2000.
Symptoms of NAS vary depending on the substance the baby has become addicted to, but they include things like blotchy skin coloring, diarrhea, fever, issues feeding, seizures, problems sleeping, and inability to gain weight. And in order to survive the process of withdrawal, they need the help and cuddles of volunteers.
Cuddle care volunteer programs are being established across the U.S. as a means to help these afflicted babies, and the nurses who regularly care for these children couldn’t be happier.
“These babies going through withdrawal need to be held for extended periods. They need human touch,” says Pennsylvania nurse Jane Cavanaugh who started a similar program at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital.
The best part is that these programs seem to be working. Maribeth McLaughlin, chief nursing officer and vice president of Patient Care Services at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC in Pittsburgh, says that addicted babies who are held regularly typically need less medication and get to go home sooner than other babies who do not receive such attention.
“Cuddling is helping them manage through these symptoms,” she told Today.com. “They are very irritable; they are hard to console. This is about swaddling them and giving them that comfort and safe, secure feeling.”
Sound like something you might be interested in? Great! Reach out to the local hospitals in your area to see if any cuddle care programs have been established yet and if not, maybe you can raise awareness and even suggest that they start one.
They make all the difference for babies who have been given an unfair start in this world.
Source: Expanded Consciousness
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