Regardless how much we believe our life is balanced, there are many harsh truths we cannot run away from, and only by accepting them we could take full responsibility for our lives.
So, instead of learning these harsh truths the hard way, you could read 10 of them below and tell us your thoughts.
1. You will regret spending that much time on Facebook.
Most people are addicted to Facebook, or Instagram, or any social media. However, social media disconnect us from reality without us realizing it, because they give us a false sense of increased connection. Ok, we are able of communicating with countless people on line, but what's the depth of this communication?
Social media is stealing way too many of us of true connection and genuine life experiences. Instead of looking at the real world's beautiful places, we prefer to drown in the digital world. Unless we reduce our addiction levels, things could become really frightening, not to mention the potential repercussions of such exposure to technology.
2. You overreact.
In life, you'll always have to face problems, other minor and other major. The thing is how you deal with them. Sometimes people tend to overreact about silly issues and spend all their energy on them. This is exhausting, really.
You should be able to decide how much, and for how long, you should let something piss you off. For example, it's only you who decides how much someone’s bad opinion of you will make you shell up in insecurity. Your feelings are important, don't waste them over insignificant matters and people.
3. You will regret avoiding risks.
Whether or not you call yourself a risk-seeker, there is nothing riskier than complacency. Of course, taking risks that can lead to great danger is not the best choice you can make, but still, taking no risk at all can make your life totally pointless.
To succeed you should risk failing, at least once. To rise, you will fall some times. To maintain relationships, you should risk your pride as well.
Stop playing small if you want to play big, and stop saying to yourself that something's good enough if you know deep down that you'd love to do, and have so much more.
4. You will need enough money.
Money can't buy happiness but can buy many other things that make you happy. For instance, traveling is one of the best things in the world, but you need some money to have it as a hobby, don't you?
The greatest obstacle is the way we spend money on the things that aren't worth it. Think before spending your money; what do you need more? Expensive clothes, a new electronic device or a better plan for life? Of course, the answer might not be the same for everyone!
5. People will always talk behind your back.
If you care too much about other people's opinions, then you should know that other people will always comment on how you live your life. If you're too honest, they will call you rude, if you're too kind, they'll call you fake, etc. The thing is that they will always find something to gossip about.
So don't spend your entire life trying to please everyone by being a chameleon, because, no matter what you do, people will always talk behind your back. So, the best thing you can do is just do what you love doing, and let them say what they have to say. Who cares, anyway?
6. Blaming others makes you weaker.
Sometimes, to unjustly direct blame towards a situation or another person might seem relieving. However, in the long term it takes its toll. Unless you take responsibility for your actions and the desicions you make, you'll end up being a weak person.
Taking responsibility might come with some immediate repercussions. Nevertheless, over time, it creates a life founded on honesty, and it empowers your ability to deal with challenges when they arise.
7. The world does not revolve around you.
From your perspective, the whole world might seem to revolve around you, but there are around seven billion people who see it exactly the same way. The truth is that most people are all far more concerned with how they are perceived by others than how we perceive them.
So once again, embrace yourself and find peace in remembering that people are too concerned with themselves to care about what you do as much as you think they care.
8. A good relationship is not enough to make you feel complete.
The most common mistake people make is thinking that happiness comes from other people. Of course, this is true to an extent, but other people cannot make us feel complete. The main source of happiness is ourselves! So we need to learn how to love ourselves, take care of them, and enjoy their company. No matter how many good relationships we make, sometimes in life we might end up alone - and that's a bonus harsh truth!
Relationships are an extension of your happiness, not the basis of it. So, focus on empowering the one with yourself and all of the others will follow accordingly.
9. You will miss spending time with your parents.
If you're young enough and still live with your parents, you might find yourself being bored spending time with them now and then. The harsh truth is that your parents aren't always going to be around, unfortunately. The best thing you could do is appreciate the time and effort these people have devoted to you by making each moment with them count. After all, they are the two persons who love you the most in the world.
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