We don't usually wonder whether sperm whales sleep, but if you do have this question, this story will help you find out.
Pro underwater photographer Franco Banfi has photo proof of how these ocean giants nap. He snapped these extremely rare pictures while following a group of sperm whales in the Caribbean Sea, next to Dominica Island.
They unexpectedly stopped moving and, then, went into a synchronized vertical rest. This behavior was first documented in 2008 when a team of biologists from the UK and Japan discovered a group of totally still sperm whales. Further studies proved that this collective sleep occurs for approximately 7% of the whale’s life, in short naps of just 6-24 minutes.
Scroll down to see the surreal picture among other amazing photos Franco took while swimming with diver Sabrina Belloni amongst these humongous animals.
More info: Franco Banfi | Instagram (h/t: demilked)