Empaths sometimes experience a sudden onset of chronic exhaustion because of a severe crash in energy levels.
They often feel particularly drained when they have spent too much time in the company of others, and these interactions can cause them to develop emotional exhaustion. Empaths need a big deal of alone time to recharge their internal batteries.
Their thoughts, emotions, and feelings can all play havoc on their internal system, causing devastating consequences that can debilitate them. If they have regular periods of solitude, they can process their emotions and feelings during the day. They will then not become so exhausted, as they will frequently let go of any negativity that may play on their minds and weigh them down.
When they do not have the space to do this, they might find their minds are overactive at night while everything is still and quiet, and they're not distracted by external stimuli. That prevents empaths from relaxing so that sleep can naturally occur.
They might also wake up often throughout the night and be unable to get a restful night’s sleep, as their minds are always trying to process information and understand what occurred during the day that is still there and needs to be analyzed.
Their hyperactive minds cause them fatigue by continuously bombarding they with a deafening amount of stimuli, not allowing them the opportunity to rest, replenish, and recharge. That can cause them to have weird sleep patterns, some days needing ten or more hours, when other days only 1-2, depending on how much energy is attached to their energy field and pulling them down.
Emotionally charged feelings linked to their memories and experiences can provoke them to feel emotions such as fear, anxiety, resentment, panic, and paranoia—so their brains become convinced that they are under some genuine threat. Therefore, they send signals to their adrenal glands to produce hormones, which then release a surge of energy.
When they experience intense or prolonged anxiety or stress, or their lifestyles are unhealthy—for instance, too much or too little sleep, overworking, poor diet, stressful family situations, or general life crises—they place excessive continuous demands on their adrenal glands.
Empaths are very powerful and beneficial when under stress, as they release hormones that help keep them alert, focused, and increase their stamina so that they can deal with pressure.
As their energy quickly becomes drained, they will try to top it back up with quick fixes and might consume foods that are high in refined salt or sugar, which burn energy fast so that they receive an instant energy boost. However, this is a vicious cycle, as the junk food, they crave burns energy extremely quickly leaving them needing more.
Empaths might also try to raise their energy levels by consuming coffee or energy drinks that also contain caffeine; however, caffeine just irritates the adrenal glands further. They will then experience regular highs and lows, as their energy levels peak and drop throughout the day.
When their adrenal glands are not working efficiently, they may feel constantly fatigued, run-down, irritable, anxious, dizzy, and overwhelmed. They may experience heart palpitations, sugar, or salt cravings, low or high blood pressure, and they will also find it very hard to manage stressful situations.
If empaths are well balanced—thinking positively, exercising, eating, and sleeping well—their adrenal glands will not be quickly overwhelmed.
During sleep, their cortisol levels (one of the hormones produced by their adrenal glands) rise naturally, peaking in the few hours before they wake. That happens to give them a good start to the day, and it is known as the circadian rhythm, as it elevates their energy levels so that they can function efficiently by sleeping when it's dark and waking when it is light.
When their adrenal glands are exhausted, they will likely wake up still feeling tired, even if they have had a long and seemingly restful sleep. They may feel drowsy most of the day, but then their cortisol levels may peak late in the evening, making it hard for them to enter deep sleep.
It can take a long time to run their adrenal glands down, so it can take some time to repair them fully. However, they can make changes that can have an immediate effect.
The most important thing to do is listen to the body and pay attention to how it feels. Empaths can remain aware of how their energy levels rise and fall throughout the day. They will most likely find that certain times of the day are more exhausting than others, so they can make additional alterations as needed.
It is vital that they discover how and why they are placing so much stress on their adrenal glands. Meditation will help them to not only focus on the body so that they are aware of any sensations that may be taking place, but it will also allow them to calm and soothe their mind to prevent them from repeating negative thoughts that ultimately cause chemical reactions.
Spending time with friends and family or being outside for social activities can also regulate an empath's cortisol levels, as they're known to increase after spending extended periods of time alone—if they feel lonely, isolated, and separated. If they are content in their own company, they will feel balanced, and cortisol levels may not be such an issue.
Their diet and exercise regime can also place added stress on their adrenal glands. Skipping meals, eating junk food, and intense workouts can all cause these glands to overwork.
When their adrenals are exhausted, they may wake during the night highly alert, often from high-stimuli dreams that just add to their overanxious state.
Sleepless nights are particularly common when they endure a stressful or anxious period because even if they enter sleep, they can wake through the night feeling the adrenaline circulating through their body—but without knowing the reasons.
Disturbances in sleep often have to do with biochemical reactions due to high levels of stress hormones flushing through their system between approximately 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. The spike in their hormones dramatically affects their ability to remain calm, which is why their sleep is interrupted.
Reference: Elephant Journal
i thinks so, , but it will also allow them to calm and soothe their mind to prevent them from repeating negative thoughts that ultimately cause chemical reactions... xe toyota gia tot