Do you consider yourself to be an alpha person? If so, then check out these common traits of alpha people. Some of them are positive, but some are negative!
1. Alpha people are blunt
While many people like to sugar coat situations, an alpha individual will tell it like it is. Of course, this might infuriate some people, but the alpha person won't care. She/he is honest, and sometimes, the truth hurts, but others need to hear it.
2. Alpha people do what they say
Their word means a great deal to them, and because of that, when they say they will do something, they do it. And if you tell an alpha person you will do something, they expect the same in return.
3. Alpha people act more and talk less
Rather than sitting around chatting about their plans, alpha people like to get down to it. In their eyes, talking about doing something can be a waste of time. Instead, they’d instead just get it done.
4. Alpha people don't mind alone time
Actually, they treasure it. Alpha people have an independence unlike anyone else, and they enjoy having some time to unwind, away from everyone else.
5. Alpha people don't let others push them around
Even when subtle, they can pick up the vibes of someone else trying to push them around, and they won’t let it happen. While some people might call them aggressive, alpha people are only trying to stand up for themselves.
6. Alpha people have very strong beliefs
If an alpha person believes in something, they aren’t quick to change their mind and can be almost stubborn about it. Nevertheless, this isn’t entirely a negative trait, as it means that they stick to and stand behind their beliefs.
7. Alpha people do what they love
Pointless activities have no merit in alpha people's lives. Instead, they fill their time with activities that they enjoy.
8. Alpha people don't care about what others think of them
Impressing others is not something alpha people worry with. On the contrary, they pretty much do what makes them happy, and if others don’t like it, well then, they simply don’t need to worry about it.
9. Alpha people are territorial
Whether it is certain people, places or things, alpha people are protective of their territory. And anybody who abuses them will have to pay the consequences.
10. Alpha people might seem bossy
While alpha people might seem bossy, they don’t mean to boss others. Instead, they have a certain way of doing things and sometimes, they naturally take the lead.
11. Alpha people are picky
As perfectionists, and people who don't waste their time, alpha individuals can be quite picky about everything. However, once they've made their choice, they will stick to it.
12. Alpha people are hard workers
Alpha people put all the effort they have into every task they endeavor to complete. This includes work, where they flourish due to their intensely productive demeanor.