For those who didn't know, Dustin Hoffman was in a film back in 1982, called Tootsie, in which he had to dress as a woman. This experience changed how he viewed women entirely and gave him a surprising new perspective on beauty and appearance.
You'll be mesmerized to watch the video below, as it's amazing to see a famous and loved actor talking about realizing something so powerful, so intense. In the video, you will see Hoffman explaining how brainwashed and stereotypical society is and how women's appearance shouldn't matter as much as it does. He claims that until he made this realization, he had missed out on getting to know so many truly beautiful women just because he never felt the need to approach them as he thought they weren't attractive enough.
Hoffman also told the American Film Institute that transforming into a woman who wasn't conventionally pretty made him realize he spent his entire life judging women based on their appearances even if he didn't know their personalities. The actor burst into tears as he recounts this realization and one can see the raw emotion beating off of him. It's incredible what a simple makeup test could do to a person.

Hoffman says that when he was dressed as a woman for the first time, he was shocked seeing how unattractive he looked like. He wanted to look like a beautiful woman, and the response he got was: “that’s as good as it gets.”
Watch the video below and share your thoughts. How would your life be different if you were born the opposite sex?