No matter how experienced you might be, being in a relationship is always going to be hard work.
It would be a good idea for everyone to start checking ourselves to find out what we really want from a relationship. We should also understand how we can maintain a good relationship before we get into one.
So, here are ten harsh truths about relationships that most of us are too scared to admit. However, admitting them will save you time and energy.
1) It’s Not All Roses and Romance All the Time
Sure, every relationship starts out on Cloud 9, but you know, and everyone else should know, that doesn’t last forever. It simply can’t.
You're designed to endure tension and overcome obstacles. You merely have to be willing to avoid those obstacles to make your relationships work.
If you just got in a relationship, be prepared, because a year from now, it will look completely different - provided that you're still in this relationship.
2) It's Not The Last Relationship You'll Make
Well, maybe it is, but it's also very possible that it's not. People make the same mistake because they get too excited. But before you meet the one, you are going to get your heart broken a few times.
Being heartbroken is difficult, but it helps you develop as a better person and a better partner later on.
3) Stop Expecting So Much From Others
If you wouldn’t do it, don’t expect somebody else to do it for you. That applies to all facets of your life.
Don’t expect your partner to be perfect all the time. They are human beings too. Humans are flawed by nature, and you should accept it, or else you're going to end up alone.
4) Life is Not A Movie
See above. People are real and flawed and emotional, and no matter how many romantic films you watch, the reality is never going to be like that. Ever.
The scariest part of a relationship is that nothing is ever going to go the way you thought (and hoped) it would. But that’s also part of the fun!
5) You Can Only Get What You Give
Do you want to be with someone who is going to treat you well? Then, treat them well too. If you want your partner to cook for you, then you should cook for them as well. If you want an honest partner, be honest too. I know that things aren't always so equal. But they should be, right?
6) Things Don’t Turn Out How You Planned
You cannot plan everything in your life. The same applies for relationships. You might feel you have the best relationship in the world, but what happens if someone moves in another place? Not everything is under your control, so you should rest and enjoy each moment while it lasts.
Things are going to go wrong from time to time, and unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do about it. So, hold on to your partner and enjoy the ride as much as you can.
7) Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say
If you find yourself angry at your partner, you need to speak up. Your actions speak louder than your words, so try to show your partner how you feel.
Don’t assume anybody knows how you feel about them. Being honest and direct can save your relationship.
8) Forget the Past
I know you want to do a big deal of test driving relationships to find the one who's right for you, but be sure to leave all those experiences behind you.
They don’t matter when you've finally found your partner and, of course, they don't want to hear about them.
9) Learn to Swallow Your Pride
Sometimes, being in a relationship means you should just say you are sorry and put your partner's needs above yours.
That's a tough pill to swallow, but it is essential once in awhile to show that you know how to compromise.
10) Be Good to Yourself so that You Can be Good to Somebody Else
People who take good care of themselves are better human beings overall. If you love yourself, it's easier to love other people too.
If there are things about you that you don’t like, you will easily find those flaws in other people, and that can make you turn on them. Look inward so that you are capable of having a good relationship for years to come.
i think so No matter how experienced you might be, being in a relationship is always going to be hard work. Honda oto Long Bien
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