Not only is the earth unique, beautiful and full of mysteries, it's also made of magic, and the following pictures taken by a woman who spent fourteen years traveling around the world and documenting ancient trees, is proof of that.
Due to the ‘busy schedule' people live in nowadays, most of us have absolutely no idea how lucky we truly are to live on this planet that is full of beauties and miracles.
Not only is Earth the only planet v in the known universe that's home to ‘life’, but it is also a cosmic oasis, filled with incredible places which had existed long before humans walked on the planet.
That makes Earth a special place, and people need to make sure to maintain this beauty for the next generations to come.
As societies move deeper and deeper into a technological era, humans tend to forget how to appreciate their surroundings.
Beth Moon seems to have understood how unique our planet is, as she decided to venture out on a fourteen-year-long journey to take photos of the oldest trees in the world.
The results of her journey: A fascinating collection of pictures that will make your jaw drop. You can find her collection here.