Life is difficult enough without having to live in a perpetual state of regret over lost years, lost loves, and lost opportunities to speak your mind.
Do you want to make the most of your life? Making these 25 changes will ensure you do not regret any part of it when you grow old.
1. Stop being silent when something is bothering you. Speak your mind instead! You will only get one opportunity to make a lasting impact.
2. Stop being swayed by what others think. I know it's hard, but you need to gather the courage to stick to the things that are important to you.
3. Ask yourself if you are the person you wanted to be when you were growing up. If you are not there yet, keep working on it.
4. Let go of all the things that do not matter in life. When you are young, everything seems to be of critical importance.
5. Stop being obsessed with social media. Try to live in reality.
6. Let the drama queen behind you. You're old enough to stop overreacting.
7. If you're always talking about other people and you enjoy judging them, then you need to change your 'hobbies'. Start talking about the world, politics, music, food or anything else instead.
8. Stop judging yourself and others based on appearance. Mature individuals know that it's the inside that matters.
9. Mean in when you show interest in other people's lives. Learning things about others is fascinating and an excellent way to learn about ourselves as well.
10. Stop trying to be anything else than a kind and empathic person. Being nice will bring lots of joy and love in your life. No one cares about your opinions if you aren’t kind to other people.
11. Start giving yourself some room to breathe and mess up. Also, allow yourself to enjoy new things.
12. Replace the time you spend on the internet with time spent in reading books. Reading can improve your life.
13. Travel more. Set a new goal: to travel the whole world.
14. Get rid of at least one bad habit. Trophies and medals do not make you a better person, but good habits do.
15. Do not spend money you don’t have; give money away when you can; set yourself up for financial success early on, and you will be glad you did.
16. Stay away from toxic friends, boyfriends or girlfriends. You need to make way for something better.
17. Draft a statement for yourself as a person and use it to make decisions and guide your life.
18. Give up your job if it makes you feel miserable. But always remember to have an alternative.
19. Ask people to be honest with you. No matter whether you agree or not, you need to hear their opinion.
20. Do something when you feel uncomfortable.
21. Stop blaming others for your shortcomings. Accept responsibility for yourself at all turns.
22. Remember: if you find your purpose, you will find pleasure as well.
23. Create a home for yourself regardless where you are in life. It can be your parent’s basement or your own apartment; plant your roots and be grateful for what you have.
24. Make new friends. It's never too late to meet new people.
25. Make sure that you get the most of our your life. Never hold back love, thoughts, ideas, and desires.