10 Ways To Tell Whether Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You


10 Ways To Tell Whether Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

Infidelity is among the saddest things that can happen in a romantic relationship. Unfaithfulness is particularly hurtful because the victim has given their love, heart, and soul to another person, expecting the same in return. That's what serious relationships are for.

However, relationships can be extraordinarily complicated. Combined with the individualistic peccadilloes which all of us possess, precaution is a warranted measure when we approach someone with a predilection for infidelity.

Below we present ten signs that your boyfriend is potentially a cheater:

1. He is emotionally distant

For the victim, that's pretty easy to observe but extraordinarily hard to accept. Emotional detachment from your boyfriend is like a punch to the heart. Unfortunately, that disconnection is usually a prelude to relationship deterioration. For a cheating boyfriend, it’s easier to distance himself emotionally from you than to confront the real problem. It is a cowardly act, in various ways.

2. Lack of sex or intimacy

When two persons are in love with each another, it's natural for intimacy and sex to take place. If your boyfriend shows no interest in either, it might be a sign of infidelity. That's especially true if no prior issues existed in that area. If nothing else, his behavior is indicative of some emotional or physical disconnect. Given the importance of physical connection in every relationship, you need to talk seriously.

3. He needs more privacy

That's not to disregard the reality that everyone, guy or girl, in a relationship or otherwise, needs a period of “me time,” and there's absolutely nothing wrong with this. Nevertheless, if your boyfriend is constantly saying things such as “I need to be alone” or “I need some time to think” on an all-too-frequent basis, there's almost certainly some problem with him.

4. He suddenly becomes defensive

It’s normal for two people in a romantic relationship to understand and accept the differences between each one’s personalities, even if we talk about flaws. It is peculiar, then, for a partner to suddenly become defensive concerning any observable shift in his behavior. Rational dialogue is a necessity for your relationship; if that becomes a problem, then there’s probably some issue.

5. He has new financial habits

Partners need to understand the importance of monetary resources. If your boyfriend, all of a sudden, drifts from that mutual understanding and engages in “splurges” for which he cannot account for, it might indeed be a sign of his detachment at best – and his infidelity, at worst.

6. He cares about his appearance more than before

We all want to look our best for numerous reasons; most commonly, to look respectable, professional, or merely fashionable. However, an abrupt change in your boyfriend's appearance without explanation is uncommon, especially if he has shown little interest in the past. There usually are two reasons for that: either your boyfriend is going through a midlife crisis, or he wants to appear more attractive to other women.

7. He ignores your circle of friends

One telltale sign of a cheating boyfriend is a sudden disconnect from your circle of friends. It just seems strange and might be a forewarning of some relationship issue. For cheaters, it's much easier and convenient to separate from the people you love than to be upfront about their real feelings. That's even more conspicuous if your boyfriend and social circle used to be close at one point in time.

8. He guards his phone and computer

No one likes having their phone tampered with. However, if your boyfriend suddenly guards his mobile, then something is possibly wrong. Maybe he has something to hide. If he objects to what was at one time not an issue, it might warrant additional caution.

9. He's always excessively late

Anyone in a serious relationship will tell you that being there on time or calling your partner when you've promised to call is paramount to making things work. That's especially true if someone is married, has children, or other obligations for which they're responsible. A sudden abdication of your boyfriend's responsible behavior is strange, particularly if he wasn't like that before.

10. He's always missing

Things can happen at work. Sometimes he might want to spend more time with his friends and family. However, if your boyfriend decided to spend less time with you, for no obvious reason, then the reason is probably another woman. When two people are in a serious relationship, they like spending time together. Of course, it's more than normal for your boyfriend to spend some of his time doing other things, but if he's always missing, then that might be a sign of infidelity.


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  6. Hey everyone
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Thinking Humanity: 10 Ways To Tell Whether Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You
10 Ways To Tell Whether Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You
Infidelity is among the saddest things that can happen in a romantic relationship.
Thinking Humanity
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