It's untrue that only mothers have unexplained protective instincts when it comes to their children!
Australian dad Tony Lethbridge had an uncanny feeling when his teen son Samuel didn't come home on January 14, 2018. As the Huffington Post reported, the 17-year-old had set out on a drive to meet his girlfriend in a nearby town. However, Samuel never made it there.
Once nobody had heard from him in a full 24 hours, his family started to panic. Tony and Lee, Samuel’s parents, went to the police to report their son’s disappearance. However, the police told them to go home and wait.
“They told us that he might have run away, he could have done this or he could have done that, and we just said, ‘It’s out of character; it’s not him,'” Tony told the Sydney Morning Herald. The worried father had a specific hunch that his teen son had crashed his car and was lying injured somewhere. He even recalled an accident that had happened in the same area where Samuel had been traveling and how that driver passed away because he was not discovered for five days.
“That was in my head, so I just thought, ‘Bugger this, I’m not going to sit around and wait,'” Tony explained. “With the way the bush is there, if a car goes in you’re not going to see it. The only way you’ll see it is from the air. And that’s what we did.”
“I said to my wife, ‘I’m not going to wait any longer. I’m going to hire a helicopter and go looking for him,'” he added.
Tony managed to pull together $1,000 AUD (around $800 USD) to hire a helicopter from Skyline Aviation Group. Samuel’s uncle, Michael Lethbridge, went along for the helicopter ride, as Tony struggles with flying. Within ten minutes, Tony and his family received word that Samuel’s car had been spotted.
Tony’s gut feeling was precisely right: the car had crashed. Samuel had been lying in the wreck for approximately 30 hours before being discovered, suffering dehydration and critical injuries. Emergency services cut Samuel from the car, and he was brought to the hospital. The teen is in intensive care, but he is stable and expected to recover in time. Samuel’s sister, Megan, revealed on Facebook that Skyline Aviation Group had even refunded the helicopter cost to their family.
The Lethbridges are now holding an online fundraiser for Samuel’s recovering and praising Tony as the hero father he is.
References: Twitter, 7 News Sydney, Little Things
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