Answer the following questions in order to test how much you know about nonverbal communication. After the questions, you'll find the research-based answers.
1. To distinguish a true (Duchenne) smile from a fake smile, you should focus on the:
- a. lips.
- b. eyes.
- c. eyebrows.
- d. cheeks.
2. Which of the following is NOT one of the basic, universal emotional expressions (based on Paul Ekman's research)?
- a. Sadness
- b. Disgust
- c. Anxiety
- d. Anger
3. The Pygmalion effect (described by Robert Rosenthal) includes:
- a. imitation of another’s nonverbal behavior to be more persuasive.
- b. using body language to make yourself seem more beautiful.
- c. the use of body posture to seem more dominant.
- d. subtly communicating your expectations via nonverbal cues to influence another person's behavior.
4. To determine if somebody is lying to you, you'd be most successful by focusing on which of the following nonverbal cues?
- a. Eye contact—liars cannot look you in the eye.
- b. Smiling—it is a dead giveaway.
- c. The person’s body rather than his or her face.
- d. The flaring of nostrils.
5. Mutual gaze is frequently an indicator of:
- a. love.
- b. anger.
- c. submissiveness.
- d. dominance.
6. Body posture is a perfect way to communicate:
- a. love.
- b. disgust.
- c. dominance.
- d. attitudes.
7. Which of the following is NOT a cue that indicates that the timing is good to take your turn in a conversation?
- a. A pause
- b. A drop in pitch
- c. Holding one's hand in the air
- d. Eye contact
8. Nonverbal cues of immediacy are used to show:
- a. superiority.
- b. persuasiveness.
- c. understanding.
- d. intimacy.
True or False?:
9. Extending the middle finger is an obscene gesture in almost every culture on earth.
10. Olfaction is a form of nonverbal communication.
11. When words and facial expressions are contradictory, people tend to give more credence to the words.
12. Research has demonstrated that emotional intelligence and verbal intelligence (IQ) are totally distinct (i.e., they aren't correlated).
13. When you're very interested in something (for instance, another person) research demonstrates that your pupils will dilate.
14. The shape of your face is related to how attractive other people see you.
15. The majority of gestures can be easily translated into the words or phrases they're intended to convey.
1) B. A true smile (one of happiness) can be distinguished in narrowed eyes as well as the “crow’s feet” at the corners.
2) C. Anxiety isn't among the universal emotional expressions.
3) D. The Pygmalion Effect is affecting other people's behavior because of your held expectations (“You can do it!”).
4) C. Liars tend to control their verbal and facial cues, so cues to their deception “leak” through their body cues.
5) A. Gazing into each other’s eyes is a good indicator of love.
6) C. Posture is significant in communicating dominance-submissiveness.
7) C. Holding a gesture is a nonverbal way to keep the floor in a conversation.
8) D. Cues of immediacy include leaning in, a forward orientation, closeness, and touch, and they show liking and intimacy.
9) False. Such gestures, called “emblems,” vary from culture to culture.
10) True. All cues, including scents, that aren't explicitly verbal are considered nonverbal communication.
11) False. When searching for “true” meaning, particularly in emotions, we look to nonverbal cues.
12) False. Emotional and verbal intelligence are moderately correlated.
13) True. Subtle pupil dilation is what happens in response to objects (or people) we're interested in, according to studies.
14) True. See more here.
15) False. There's no dictionary for nonverbal behavior.
Give yourself 10 points for every correct answer:
140-150 = A body language “genius”
100-130 = A “master” of nonverbal communication
70-90 = You might be a better “verbal” communicator
60 or below = Apparently, you need to study your body language
Reference: Psychology Today
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