Have you ever seen a shopping cart that has a magnifying glass attached, so that the elderly can read the food labels more easily? Have you ever picked up an avocado with a color-coded sticker that tells you exactly when the fruit is ripe? Have you ever seen a microwave that will cook your food to perfection by merely scanning the barcode on the packaging?
If the answer to these questions is "no", then you should check out the following list of innovative food inventions which you probably didn't even know existed!
Bowl Of Chicken And French Fries, With A Straw For Your Soda Through Its Center. One Hand Holds All The Things, So That You Can Eat With The Other

This Avocado Has A Color Chart On Its Sticker, So That You Know When It's Ripe

Shopping Carts With A Magnifying Glass For The Elderly

Chopsticks Which Are Also A Fork, If You Aren't Feeling Too Confident

Picnic Table Has Seating For Adults, Seating For Small Kids, A High Chair, And Also Space For Wheelchair Users

This Store Sorts The Bananas By How Ripe They Are

Stretchy Reusable Food Cover

My Mother Blew My Mind When She Brought These Unique Little Inventions Back From Her Vacation To Peru

This Restaurant Sells Fries In Paper Cones. The Tables Have Diamond Shaped Holes That Hold The Cones

Asian 'Pringles' With A Tab To Lift The Chips Up So That You Don't Have To Try To Put Your Hand In The Tube

Danish Restaurant Keeps Track Of Occupied Tables Using Lego

A Miniature Train Delivered Our Beer At A Restaurant In Prague

Edible Cutlery

This Coffee Shop Demonstrates The Differences Among Coffee Drink Types

The Local Coffee Shop Uses Frozen Coffee Cubes To Make Iced Coffee

Takeout Spork With A Toothpick In The Handle

Glasses Designed So That You Can Carry Several At Once

French Fries Cone With A Built-In Sauce Container

This Restaurant Has Delicious Coke Ice Cubes.

Wine Condoms Which Help To Preserve Unfinished Bottle Of Wine

Genius. All of them.