If you're anywhere in your thirties, these days you are probably seeing a ton of newborn photos of your friends' babies. Not such a strange thing to see at that age, right? However, what about this news of the youngest father in Britain? At the ripe age of 13, the young dad welcomed his daughter into the world. Or so he thought.
Back in 2009, the British story became famous worldwide. Alfie Patten was only thirteen years old when he found out he was going to be a dad.

Of course, the media jumped on the story right away. Who wouldn't want to read about such surprising news about a 13-year-old parenting a kid? The world followed along while Alfie went from shock to pure joy, but, then, to shock again when he learned the truth about his baby daughter.

When Alfie's daughter, called Maisie Roxanne, was born, Alfie fell immediately in love. He held his 7lb healthy daughter and thought to himself that he wasn't much bigger than she was! Alfie was ready to spend the rest of his life raising his little girl.

Maisie's mom was then 15-year-old, Chantelle Stedman. Chantelle and Alfie had been together for approximately two years, and Alfie thought they were monogamous. That led him to believe that he was indeed the father of Maisie.

At the very young age of 13, Alfie was too naive to become a father. He couldn’t tell that Chantelle wasn’t faithful to him and at the same time he was too young to realize what it takes to be a good dad. He had yet to understand all the financial and physical support required.

Alfie's mother Nicola recognized her son's naivety and started asking the questions he didn't know the answer to. Alfie's mom demanded a paternity test to check if Alfie was, in fact, the father of baby Maisie.

Surprisingly enough to Alfie, two other boys had come claiming to be Maisie's fathers. While Alfie was shocked, Nicola was not that surprised. Nicola continued to pressure Alfie into getting a DNA test so that they could finally learn the truth once and for all.

Alfie didn't even know what a DNA test was nor what it would show. The 13-year-old boy was still hesitant even after he learned that with only a swab of saliva he could know who was Maisie's father.

Finally, his mother convinced him to take the test. Alfie was shocked to find out that he was not, in fact, Maisie's dad. The 13-year-old reported that after he received the results, he had been crying for days in his room.

Learning that he was not the dad wasn't even the worst part for the young boy. After he received the results of the DNA test, Chantelle took little Maisie, and they moved far away with the young mother's family. Alfie wouldn't see the child ever again.

The new question was: if not Alfie, who is Maisie's father? It turns out that the father was Tyler Baker, also 13 years old at the time. The boy reported that he had lost his virginity to Chantelle.

Another young boy, Richard Goodsell, claimed that he could also be the father of little Maisie. Goodsell, then 16 years old, told a newspaper that his family and friends thought the baby girl had his eyes. He claimed even Chantelle's mother believed he was the dad.

Finally, in 2014, Alfie expresses his regret for all that happened. He has accepted that he’s happy that he’s not a father now.

Let's hope that the young teenagers will learn how to use protection in the future!