Teachers are slamming the US President Donald Trump’s plan to bring more guns into American schools by arming 20% of educators.
“We need solutions that will keep guns out of the hands of those who want to use them to massacre innocent children and educators,” Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association, told Education Week. “Arming teachers does nothing to prevent that.”
A lot of teachers have taken to social media to say that they do not want to carry guns and more than a few pointed out that they were struggling to get funding for necessary classroom supplies, much fewer firearms:
I'm a teacher, and I don't want one, nor should I have one. Want to arm me? Start paying me six figures, give me a bullet-proof vest, and put bullet-proof glass in my classroom windows.
— Jolie Lindley (@INChick) February 21, 2018
Guys, I’m a college professor.
— Josh Grubbs (@JoshuaGrubbsPhD) February 21, 2018
I’ve also been shooting guns my entire life and own multiple guns now.
I don’t trust myself to be able to capably defend a classroom against a shooter, and I’m a good shot.
Why would we expect teachers everywhere to bear this responsibility?
And your solution is to arm teachers??? Are you fucking insane?? I'm a teacher, I teach children. I've been in the army, I've made the choice to no longer be a soldier, but a teacher!
— Lucien (@LucienOldenb) February 22, 2018
Hi, I'm a teacher. I don't want a gun. I could use some more dry erase markers. Thanks for your time.
— Jacob Leland (@mrdrleland) February 22, 2018
I'm a teacher with 14 years of experience. I have zero interest in being armed. #StudentsStandUp
— Anthony Nicodemo (@coachNicodemo) February 22, 2018
I’m a teacher. Don’t give me a gun. Give me the supplies I need, the salary I deserve, and the common-sense gun laws to protect my kids.
— Jocelyn ✡️ (@jocelyndorf) February 20, 2018
I'm a teacher. I own guns. I'm adept at shooting them. This is the dumbest idea in the damn world. No teacher should have this responsibility and frankly I can't think of one I'd wholly trust with it.
— J-San (@lawdood) February 21, 2018
I'm a teacher who qualified in the military on the rifle, handgun, light machine gun, heavy machine gun, grenade launcher, automatic grenade launcher, bayonet and hand grenades.
— Joseph Connelly (@jcon16) February 20, 2018
And there is zero chance you'll convince me a school will be safer if teachers start carrying guns.
I have said this a hundred times on here already. Why does no one ever ask teachers what they think? I'm a teacher. Teachers do not want to carry guns, we have enough to do.
— Sarah Jensen (@BessieJ) February 22, 2018
I’m a teacher and I don’t want a fucking gun in my classroom! I’m trained in literature not shooting people! This is ridiculous.
— brb, sharpening my stick (@suzanne_young) February 21, 2018
I’m a teacher. The last time I held a gun was when I played Duck Hunt, and I sucked at that. My job is to connect with kids and teach them a language. No shooting required.
— Margaret Kieler (@margiesaalsaa) February 22, 2018
I'm a teacher and a gun owner with a concealed & carry permit, and I'd never want to bring a gun to my classroom. My kids need to feel safe & I should be thinking about content and not worrying about someone grabbing my pistol. Arming teachers is a gun manufacturer's solution.
— Benjamin Gorman (@teachergorman) February 22, 2018
I’m a teacher. I don’t want to carry a gun. I want the people responsible for my safety, and my students’ safety, to do their jobs and make our workspace safe.
— Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) February 21, 2018
#NotStickingToSportsTwitter. Hi, I’m a teacher. I don’t want to have a gun/have a gun in school.
— Nathan Powell (@NPowellFF) February 21, 2018
Thanks in advance,
Mr. Nathan
This "Listening Session" reveals itself to be what it truly is: NRA propaganda for guns, guns, and more guns.
— liz murdock (@mizmurdock) February 21, 2018
I'm a teacher and if they put guns in my school I'm out. Every other teacher I know is out. Parents will pull kids out. It's FUCKING INSANE. #GunControlNow #NeverAgain
So you add even more responsibility to teachers who you already refuse to pay? I’m a teacher DAMN YOU
— Rb (@LethalBro2) February 22, 2018
I’m not a police officer, I’m a teacher I’m at school to teach your children, not to shoot, not to kill. Giving away more guns will not solve anything. #ParklandStudentsSpeak
— Mother of cats (@juliecbp) February 22, 2018
Funny how congressmen have metal detectors and armed guards, but the teenagers are on thr own.... Oh wait... I'm a teacher. I guess I signed up 4 armed guard duty while getting my masters in education. FU @GOP! Just saying! https://t.co/FpcCpDIP1K
— PayAttentionPLZ (@Endressa1206) February 22, 2018
I’m a teacher. I’m envisioning raising my pistol (after fumbling with keys to unlock it from my desk drawer) and shooting through an overcrowded classroom of 35+ students at a cold blooded killer with an AR15 spraying bullets throughout the room. Yeah. That will work.
— Sheila Lea 🌊🇺🇸🌊 (@twirpy) February 21, 2018
I'm a teacher. Under zero circumstances would I teach in a school where there are weapons stored, let alone be asked to use one. Zero.
— Michelle Hebden (@HebdenMichelle) February 22, 2018
I’m a teacher and I’ll be honest. I’m a fucking awful shot, especially with a handgun. But beyond that: I don’t want any sort of firearms in my classroom, or in my school. It’s fucking insane.
— Drew (@DruSM157) February 21, 2018
"I'm a teacher not a cop, damn it! I can't even focus the projector!" pic.twitter.com/8RO9tKXgKY
— Rogue White House Pizza Rat ❄🌊 (@unrealReg) February 22, 2018
Reference: Huffington Post
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