Every year, three girls who survived cancer come together to take a photograph, not only because they're friends, but to remind themselves and the rest of the world how strong they are.
Four years ago, young Rylie, Rheann and Ainsley — aged three, six, and four at the time, respectively — decided to come together for a memorable photo shoot.
In March 2014, photographers Christy Goodger and Lora Scantling took a very special picture of the three little girls from Oklahoma. Rheann Franklin, now nine, Ainsley Peters, now seven, and Rylie Hughey, now six years old, were hugging tightly with their eyes closed, supporting each other in their mutual fight against cancer.
The picture quickly went viral and made headlines all over the world. A year later, Scantling recreated the picture to celebrate the fact that the three girls were all in remission. This time, the girls' eyes were open, to symbolize that they were looking ahead to a bright future.

The girls have come a long way in those four years since the first picture was taken. Rylie has overcome kidney cancer, Ainsley has been successfully treated for leukemia, and Rheann has survived and beaten a rare form of brain cancer. Rheann is cancer free. Unfortunately though, her hair won't grow because extensive radiation treatment burned its follicles and her eyes will always droop due to the way the tumor sat on her brain stem.

Photographer Lora Scantling with little Ainsley
The shoot has become an annual tradition which Scantling plans to continue. That way, the youngsters can document their joint inspirational journey. The girls have remained close since they first came together, helping raise each other’s spirits during difficult times.