Fennec foxes usually eat rodents, insects, birds, rabbits, and eggs. What happens when they stop eating all these?
Vegan blogger Sonia Sae has been forcing her pet fox Jumanji to have a vegan diet for several years, and the poor animal has developed all sorts of health problems. However, a few people have recently worked hard to make the issue known around the world, and the web is furious.
Experts say that a fennec’s diet in the wild consists of about 90% animals and insects. The remaining 10% is comprised of various plants the foxes dig up. Naturally, these animals also need a lot of protein when living in captivity. That means that Saw has probably messed up her omnivore Jumanji's entire nutrition status by forcing it on a vegan menu. For instance, fennecs need calcium and taurine. The latter is an organic compound, widely distributed in animal tissues. Without it, the big-eared creatures are likely to develop reproductive and heart problems. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Sae has admitted that Jumanji is half blind, while it suffers from spontaneous convulsions as well as a severe skin condition. Still, she refuses the idea that its vegan diet causes these problems.
More info: faithfulfoxes.com

Sae's behavior was brought to the internet's attention after a concerned woman posted a message on her Facebook page.

That's how the fox looked like when Sae bought it:

However, later more and more people started thinking its appearance and health were deteriorating.

Alice tried to explain why Sae shouldn’t force the poor animal on a vegan diet.

Still, Sae kept sharing her pet’s pictures with very concerning descriptions.

Alice pointed out that Jumanji was experiencing severe health issues.

However, Sonia refused to believe what her ‘haters’ were saying.

In the pictures on Sae's Instagram, commenters pointed out that the fox seems to have gotten much thinner.

Not only that, but they also thought the fur was thinner than before, while the animal suffered severe skin conditions.

Damian Eadie that runs a business selling vegan pet food said it is possible to raise a fox on such a diet.

But how is she sure that this is safe for the fox? People should ask her whether she knows the nutritional requirements of the animal and whether she can formulate a suitable diet.

That's what she had to say about the accusations several people made online.

Somebody e-mailed animal rights authorities while trying to consult what could be done to solve the problem and here is what they had to say.

Here are some pictures of healthy fennec foxes:

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ReplyDeleteA vegan diet can be unhealthy if you don't get all your proper nutrients. You have to be really careful especially at the age of 15. Calcium is really important. Anyone who isn't a vegetarian will be against the vegetarian diet. Being a vegetarian really bothers meat eaters. I get my calcium from Rice Dream Rice Milk. It is so delicious. I supplement my diet with a vegan protein shake from the Vitamin Shoppe. Protein is so important. You have to be a really good eater in order to be a vegan. You can't be fussy. I love beans, protein enriched pasta, vegetarian chili, brown rice, nuts, and seeds. I also started out as a vegetarian and then when I saw a video on meat.com, I became a vegan. Dairy cows and chickens are treated so horrifically and I feel great about my decision. I love being a vegan and I will be one forever. Don't take iron pills unless you are anemic. Calcium pills are a good idea. Take B12. It is a very important supplement for vegetarians to be taking. Also, it wouldn't hurt to take a multi vitamin.I suggest you Vegan diet foods through this you get more results about What is a vegan diet .