This is for all the angry children. The intelligent, kind, and super-friendly ones, who could become the ugliest humans to be around everytime their anger neurons were tampered with.
Even if you don't have the same anger issues you had as a kid, you will probably relate to the feeling that your personality is split in two sometimes: one part sparkles and stardust and the other full of anger bubbles and thoughts of almost-murder arise. If you are a genuinely nice person with a truly bad temper, you will totally relate to these 21 things.
1. Your personality is that of a unicorn farting rainbows overall.

2. However, it is very easy to trigger you.

3. And when something does get beneath your skin, you are torn between staying nice and lashing out.

4. There's no middle ground for you – it is either pissed-off or cool-as-a-cucumber.

5. To be honest, you HATE being angry.

6. Because it is so NOT who you are typically.

7. You can be a total bitch when you are pushed to the point of biting somebody’s head off.

8. You have imagined beating the shit out of people you are mad at.

9. You try super-hard not actually to do the above.

10. Once somebody is in your bad books, you do not want to see their face ever again.

11. No matter how big a light-worker you are, even unicorns have their limits.

12. You have been an angry kid, and very few people know about this.

13. You have worked way too much on your anger to let it get the better of you.

14. But it does, because there is not any shortage of assholes on the planet.

15. You have to literally bite your tongue to not spit out a slew of the meanest sentences at times.

16. And move physically away from the scene to calm yourself down (and not burn the place down).

17. Try as you might, you can't really be kind to somebody who is a douche-bag.

18. Although your core values are all about kindness and unconditional acceptance.

19. Your family and your closest friends are the only ones you are genuinely comfortable with when it comes to showing the full magnitude of your wrath.

20. You are also afraid that people may just leave you when they witness your anger.

21. No matter how nice you are otherwise. (And this is your biggest insecurity).

Reference: Filtercopy
No matter how big a light-worker you are, even unicorns have their limits.
Good luck happy wheels