There's something involuntarily satisfactory about filling out a coloring book and staying precisely inside the lines or cutting a perfectly proportioned line of cake. Our world is full of natural symmetry right down to the human design, so when our brains register symmetry, it is very pleasing to the eyes.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, however, when something is asymmetrical or ‘off,’ it tends to trigger a primal warning that something isn't quite right. Some of us are apparently more obsessive than others, yet even the most relaxed people can get fixated on a big enough mistake.
Scroll down to see a list of images which are skewed wrong enough to make the perfectionist inside us cringe.
This Sunflower Doesn't Want To Face East

The Way My Wife Opens Things

Spent Hours Completing This Mildly Infuriating Puzzle, And Now I Can't

Worst Flight Ever

I Lost A Loved One Today. I'm Not Sure Which One Yet, But Whoever Cuts Cheese Cake Like This Is Dead To Me

Someone At Work Asked If They Could Have One Of My Sudafed


This Shitf Key

Toughest Decision Of My Life

This Guy's Tattoo

That One Window

I Asked The Lady To Cut My Sandwich Into Three Pieces

The Monopoly Deed Cards Are Cut Wrong. I Can Barely Focus On Bankrupting My Kids

This Stovetop

This Elevator Button Panel

“Just Look At The Time!”


Number Of Holes In These Waffles Doesn't Match The Iron They Are Sitting In

These Tables At My Teaching Workshop

I Opened My New Sketch Pencils Today And Honestly, I Don’t Know What I Did To Deserve This

This Bathroom

My Wife And I Spent The Night In A Quiet Bed And Breakfast Last Night. This Kept Me Awake For Hours

The Circle On The Netflix Volume Control Isn’t Centred On The Line

My Door Number Is 308, They Installed It Upside Down Though

Every morning should be started: