Designs at their best can make a brand memorable through creative and catchy slogans. However, at their worst they can make people remember a company for all the wrong reasons. Sometimes, designs can go so wrong, and leave a nasty mark on your name.
Scroll down to see a new list of some epic design fails from “Crappy Designs.” These designers may have had good intentions, but we can't help wondering where their editors were!
This Car Dealership Form

I Felt Quite Lost In China, But Fortunately, I Found This Sign

National Geographic Magazine That Warns About Danger Of Plastic Bags Comes Inside A Plastic Bag That Is Inside A Plastic Bag

This News Paper From The Dominican Republic Used A Picture Of Alec Baldwin As Trump

Best Seat In The House

Happy Father's Day

You Had One Job...

Uh... How Would I... Know

I'm Really Sure There Must Be A Better Choice Of Dog Breed For This

I Just Wanted Some Gas

Kids Love Pandas!

Class Stalls In Bathroom

And You Really Thought The Other Glass Stall Was Bad

Pool Got A New Sunshade For The Kiddie Pool. A New Yellow Sunshade

Super Penetrate

A Friend’s Two-Year Old’s Birthday Cake

Little Caesars Serves What?

The Paint In This Public Restroom

Confused Bunny


I Don't Even Have Words For This

This Gray-Scale Pie Chart

That Awkward Moment When Your"Thermostat" Is Just Hanging On A Nail And Doesn't Control The Temperature Whatsoever. Shout Out To The Best Landlords Ever

That's A Wasp

Stopped In Wisconsin Today...and I’d Rather Not

This is the process I went through to get back my online lover who is now my husband to be.
ReplyDeleteNote: I got him back through Dr. Wakina love spell by virtue of dr.wakinalovetemple@gmail.com.
I said to Dr. Wakina; Sir, I humbly asked for help in uniting with my online lover, we broke up five months ago. I am writing to you as I have witnessed how your love spell helped my colleague soothe her broken relationship.
Two years ago, I met an amazing man online via twitter, we bonded within weeks like we have known each other for long even though we were thousands of miles apart. We often talk on the phone, texting and emailing.
When it was our next step to meet in person and see if there was truly the spark of love we were both feeling deeply. I received a breakup text, he explained how it is difficult for him to move on without his ex-wife. I was heartbroken because I thought I have found the man of my dream. Can you help me?
Dr. Waking revived my hope when I was told that He is my husband and future but He needs to be untied with his past by breaking the bonds of affliction with his ex.
My colleague’s breakthrough brought everlasting joy to me, I could not have heard of love spell or Dr. Wakina.
Why I am happy to share this breakthrough testimony is because the spell worked according to his will and purpose, he is right here with me happy and loving, we are currently planning on getting married.
I will always appreciate the opportunity given to me to reconnect with my lover by Dr. Wakina, I have confirmed that we are meant to be forever.