Pretty much everybody has experienced the phenomenon of seeing things which aren’t really there. That type of illusion is called pareidolia; it tricks our brain into perceiving familiar shapes in the weirdest of places.
Scroll down to view some of the most hilarious objects that we can easily confuse with something entirely unrelated at first glance.
Grandma caterpillar is putting on her lipstick.

"I love you, Mommy!"

Now that’s an air guitar!

Snow cat

"Help! I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up..."

"Waiter, there's a frog in my coffee."

This moisturizer appears to be the Michelin Man begging for mercy.

This alien takes the bus.

"Oh! I think I hear the recycling truck!"

Feisty ninja leaf

This is the most useless thing ever.

"Take me! Take me!"

Faceplant. Just where do they grow these?

This mop is all smiles.

Is that cat hair in my fried egg?

This surveillance camera is about to kick some butt.

"Please, don’t hurt me!"

Looks like someone baked a hamster into this muffin.

This washing machine is sick of spinning laundry.

"Ouch! Take it out!"

"I was trying to get a new pair of shoes, but I think I made a misteak."

Love is everywhere. Can you see it?

Do you feel like just another shot of...lemonade?"
This car is smoking a cigarette and using a selfie stick.