Some people tend to over think every situation.
Over-thinkers possess remarkably rational and coherent thinking that enables them to analyze everything to the tiniest detail. However, the serious thing about it is they do that almost all the time.
Furthermore, such people are usually frank with a fragile and adoring heart (which is why they're so unconfident and tend to overthink).
Unfortunately, they have to pay a very high price for their unique personality.
Every day, they fight with the flooding nervousness which meddles with their primary mental process. In addition, these people continuously question or blame themselves for everything that happens.
These are just a few of a long list of problems sensitive people with a high functioning mind struggle with.
Below we have outlined eight of the most serious struggles an over-thinker with a sensitive soul has to deal with.
1. Over-thinkers are perhaps too much for some people
Since they doubt other people's intentions, it is little surprise over-thinkers require detailed information about everything they have to deal with and everybody they meet. Such behavior is indeed harmful as it affects not only the over-thinkers but also those who have to answer their long list of pointless questions.
2. Over-thinkers have an endless need to love and be loved
They live to love and to be loved. Over-thinkers need to feel appreciated, respected and liked by most of the people in their life. That is the case because over thinkers possess a delicate heart that could not settle for less than pure love and affection. However, such sensitivity goes along with a big dose of anxiousness as over-thinkers always worry about the possibility of being hurt by others. It isn't easy to be someone who still has their heart on the sleeve, so over-thinkers often choose to play safe and remain inside their shell.
3. Other people's opinion is extremely important for them
Although it might sound somehow immature, it is a fact that over thinkers tend to over-value other people's views. They do so because they try to give 100% and expect others to give as much as them. And when this is not the case, an over-thinker starts to doubt themselves and their actions, while it is the other person's/people's behavior that they have to call into question. On the other hand, criticism is a normal thing. We all know that making mistakes is an inevitable part of life. Hence, when we accept constructive feedback, we become better people; so over-thinkers should not blame themselves when they make mistakes.
4. Such people cannot live in the present
These people think in details about everything that happens or might happen. They analyze the future consequences or the circumstances of specific situations. It is how over-thinkers exist - regretting the past they cannot bring back or worrying about the future that has not come yet. And that is a stressful way of life. What is more, it prevents them from concentrating on the present moment and living in the here and now.
5. Over-thinkers tend to give up before even starting
Over-thinkers try to always predict possible outcomes of certain situations in the future. The point is to prevent negative consequences and potential failure. Since these people are too sensitive, they try to avoid everything which could cause them pain. So, it isn't surprising at all that they would end a relationship that could be one of a lifetime if they decide that in the future their partner might betray them. Such state of mind is dangerous. It could turn into a lifestyle and ruin all their relationships or deprive them of all excellent opportunities in life.
6. They have poor sleep habits
Tossing and turning in bed, thinking about different events or people is something that sooner or later every over thinker experiences. The thoughts could be so overwhelming that these people become incapable of finding calm and cannot fall asleep which could seriously affect their health. And that does not happen every once in a while. Sadly it usually becomes an endless cycle of sleep deprivation which should be treated by a professional.
7. These people think others have hidden motives for their actions.
Over-thinkers tend to continually seek a hidden purpose or reason related to everything that others say or do. According to them, every word has a more profound underlying sense that they need to explain and reveal. Behind each action lies a hidden motive that needs to be examined and eventually uncovered. That condition could be severe and could drive the person insane as there comes a moment when the over-thinker becomes obsessed with everyone's actions and words.
8. They see the world in black and white
Another harsh truth about sensitive over-thinkers is that they see the world in black and white. They never have a moderate opinion, and their emotions are never mild. An over-thinker would either love or hate, feel completely happy or devastated.
So, being a sensitive over-thinker is stressful and exhausting not only for the individual. The people in his or her life could also be negatively affected by the over thinker's presence.
But that is not a reason to cut off over-thinkers from our circle since they possess many extraordinary traits as well.
They're among the most talented and creative people in the world.
Sensitive over-thinkers are more emotionally intelligent than others, and would never settle for a relationship which is not deep and honest.