Most interactions among wild animals are as predator and prey but the following fantastic video captured deep in the middle of the oceans reveals a rare, playful side to interspecies interaction.
This incredible drone footage depicts a pod of playful Pacific white-sided dolphins joining a group of 30-ton gray whales on their migratory trip to Baja, Mexico.
The whales started their journey near Alaska and seemed happy to have the pleasant company of their marine mammal cousins. The dolphins leaped and surfed around the whales while the behemoths twirled and did the backstroke for their smaller playmates.
It certainly looked like both species were having fun.
After the whales reach Baja, they mate and give birth before they return to the northern Arctic waters. That’s an incredible 12,000-mile round trip!
Along the way, the whales face several threats, such as orcas and getting tangled up in commercial fishing gear. Sadly each year, dolphins and whales perish from such entanglement.
The drone footage was captured from Captain Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari, that offers dolphin and whale watching trips from Dana Point, California. The whales are considered to use Dana Point as a navigational marker on their journey. The mammals swim just a mile or two from the shore.
Seeing these beautiful animals engaging in such behaviors reminds us that humans and nature are not as disconnected as modern societies might suggest.
Featured video from Unilad Adventures. Article sources used: wideopenspace.com
Reference: Educate Inspire Change
The whales started their journey near Alaska and seemed happy to have the pleasant company of their marine mammal cousins. The dolphins leaped and surfed around the whales while the behemoths twirled and did the backstroke for their smaller playmates.