The traditional needle felting technique is now becoming more and more popular among crafters, with several textile artists using wool’s fuzzy fibers to create beautiful sculpted creations. A master of this craft is Japanese artist Wakuneco, someone that creates hyper-realistic hand-felted cat faces.
Every incredible three-dimensional, felted feline is created by painstakingly poking layers of wool with a needle until the fibers gradually compact and form into solid shapes. Wakuneco’s palm-sized pieces feature realistic fur, lifelike glass eyes, and true to life whiskers. From striped tabbies to ginger toms, Wakuneco uses pictures of real cats as references, adding and trimming each unique marking as she goes. Once complete, she mounts each textile kitty inside wooden frames, which results in adorable works of art that look like they could come to life at any second!
Wakuneco sells her work via Yahoo! Auctions and currently only ships to Japan. Nevertheless, you can see more of the artist’s work on her Instagram page.
Check out the artist's process below:
Wakuneco: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube
All images via Wakuneco.