Humpback whales are one of the world's biggest creatures. They are huge! A full-grown adult whale's average weight is around 80,000 pounds.
That is the same weight as 24 adult hippos! Nevertheless, that won't stop this enormous mammal from putting on an incredible air display when it leaps entirely out of the water.
The footage was filmed in the Indian Ocean off South Africa's coast. It was shot near Mbotyi by Craig Capehart.
Craig is a scuba diver who was sitting in an inflatable duck boat when suddenly the presence of the humpback graced him.
"It seems that never before has a recording been made of an adult humpback whale leaping entirely out of the water! An infrequent event, indeed," Craig wrote in the caption attached to the video on YouTube.
"Dolphins and even Great White Sharks have been seen flying out of the water, but this is a first for an adult humpback whale!"