If you take a shower five times per week, then you spend about 35 hours per year in there. That is a lot of standing around naked under the water. Chaz Hutton has recently decided to sum up his experiences in the shower in a comic, and it’s too real.
Appropriately titled “Life in the Shower,” this series takes a closer look at what is happening and what people are up to when cleansing themselves.
As Chaz said: “I lived in a place in the UK for a year that only had a bath, and so after a bath or two every day for a year I’m kinda done with baths. Give me a shower any day.”
“Ideally, one that has an amazing view coupled with the risk that someone might accidentally look the other way through the same window.”
“Life in the Shower” is available as a poster over at Prinstachaaz!
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