Many many years ago, Halloween costumes were worn so that ghosts and spirits would think you were 'one of them' and wouldn't bother trying to haunt you. Clever right?
These days, though, Halloween costumes have morphed into anything and everything you could imagine, and are as likely to be 'sexy' as scary. Still searching for last minute inspiration? Well, the costumes below are seriously creative, and you probably will not have time to pull them off. The ideas show you that if you think outside of the box and are smart about it, the possibilities are endless! So get scrolling and start thinking!
My Super Adorable Headless Maya

My Grandpa And Dog

Our Daughter, Claire, Dressed Up As Grandma Completed With A “Granny” Style Clothes, Homemade Wig, Pearls And A Walker Built By Daddy. Claire Walks Well Without Assistance, But Stroles Along With Her Walker

I Am The Pumpkin King!

Halloween Is Christmas For Us Amputees

Halloween Costume Made From Halloween Decorations

Picasso Painting Halloween Costume

My Wife Have Been Waiting For This Halloween Since We First Heard We Were Having Twin Girls


I Think My Aunt Nailed This Hocus Pocus (Bette Midler) Halloween Costume

My Daughter’s Wheelchair Made The Ideal Foundation For Her Halloween Costume

The Costumes We Made

Hijabi Harley Quinn

Mother And Son 'Black Panther' Halloween Costume

Brought Along My Little Drogon To A Halloween Party

My Daughter's Maleficent Costume Made By My Wife And Mother-In-Law

My Sister Needed A Costume For Her And Her Friends, So I Put Together This For Them

Halloween This Year

Our Couple’s Costume

Harry Potter Family Costume

Dressed Up As An Anti-Vaxer For Halloween Party. It Was A Hit

We All Bark Down Here

My Sister-In-Law Made The Best Costume I've Ever Seen. Mr. Boogey Man. Ironically, She's A Therapist And Helps Folks With There Personal Boogey Mans

My Name's Borat

My Friend Didn't Have A Name For It, But She Made It Herself

Well, We Were Supposed To Be Cleopatra And Caesar... Classic Case Of Miscommunication

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