Aisle. Tsunami. Knight. Wren. What do these words have in common? They are only some of the quirky words featured in the new book P is for Pterodactyl. This fun takes on a standard alphabet book features several of the more trickier words used in the English language. Focusing on silent letters and silly homophones, this book is an excellent way for children to begin to tackle advanced spelling and for word nerds to get a good laugh.
The book admits:
“Let’s get real―the English language is bizarre. A might be for apple, but it’s also for aisle and aeons. Why does the word ‘gnat’ start with a G but the word ‘knot’ doesn’t start with an N? It doesn’t always make sense, but don’t let these rule-breaking silent letters defeat you!”
P for Pterodactyl was written by Raj Haldar, also known as Lushlife, and Chris Carpenter, with illustrations by Maria Beddia. The color illustrations help demonstrate the context of each word, while clever sentences filled with alliteration make for a fun read. For example, “The gnome yells, ‘Waiter! There’s a bright white gnat nibbling on my gnocchi!,’ ” accompanies “G is for Gnocchi.”
If you are looking for an enhanced experience, listen to the P is for Pterodactyl audiobook or download activity worksheets, free of charge!
h/t: The Awesomer