The cold weather is here, and it's time to make sure your car is properly prepared. You have to make sure that your car can withstand this winter mechanically.
You’ll also want to ensure that you have the tools to deal with snow and ice.
1) Emergency Kit

It’s always best to be prepared. It is wise to have an emergency kit in your vehicle to keep you safe if you get stuck in your car during the winter. You unzip a winter coat and place underwear, extra socks, a warm hat, gloves, scarf, and snow pants too. Zip it up and store in your car. Your kit also needs to have a candle, matches and or a lighter, a flashlight, a warm blanket, phone charger, hand/foot warmers, bottle of water, and energy bars.
2) Stop Foggy Windows

Foggy windows are annoying and can also be dangerous. You can roll down your windows to quickly defog windows. Additionally, you can keep a clean chalkboard eraser in your car to wipe the fog away.
3) Don’t Get Stuck

Don’t want to get stuck in the snow? No prob. Place a few twenty-pound bags of kitty litter in your trunk. They'll give your rear wheels tractions if you have rear wheel drive. Try also sprinkling some under the tires. Keeping a small shovel in the trunk is also a good idea.
4) Socks In the Glove Box

Always keep a pair of socks in your glove compartment. It'll give you better traction if you have to push your car over ice or walk on ice.
5) Keep The Underside Of Your Car Clean

It is important to keep regularly clean off the bottom of your car during the winter. That's because it can accumulate salt, dirt, and ice which can cause damage and erosion. You can slide a sprinkler underneath your car on a warmer day and drive back and forth over it.
6) Socks As Windshield Wiper Covers

Do not let your wiper blades ice up. Put some thick warm socks over them at night. It'll make it easier to de-ice your windshield in the morning.
7) Increase Your Headlight Visibility

It is important to have good visibility when it snows. The best way to do this it so ensure you are headlights are clear. Cover your headlights with a bit of toothpaste, let it sit for a bit and rinse with warm water.
8) Protect Your Headlight

Once you have cleared your headlights, you will want to keep them protected. Add just a layer of wax to your headlamps. Snow and water will slide right off.
9) Keep Wiper Blades From Sticking

If you aren't using socks on your blades, they can actually get frozen to your windshield. Pour some rubbing alcohol on a cloth and wipe the blade down with it. The alcohol will keep your blades from sticking to your window.
10) Shaving Cream Your Windows

Stop window fog before it develops. Cover the windows using your shaving cream and then wipe it off. Shaving cream has several of the same ingredients as commercial defoggers.
11) Keep Doors From Freezing

You can avoid buying the deicer by using a bit of WD-40. Spray some in the keyhole as well, oh and a bit in cracks of your doors, and not to mention on the rubber before the cold weather hits. It'll prevent from icing in the keyhole. It'll also prevent frozen water from resting in the cracks of your doors.
12) DIY Ice Scraper

Did you forget your ice scraper? That's not a problem, as you can run in the house and grab a spatula. You can also use a plastic card.
13) Makeshift De-Icer

Is your lock, car door and/or handle frozen? You only have to heat your key with a lighter or match and place it into the lock. Or simply a straw to blow into a bit of air in the keyhole. You can also squirt a bit of hand sanitizer onto the door handle and let the ice melt.
14) Use The Sun

Park your car facing east. Since the sun rises in this way, it'll naturally defrost your windshield. You will use less elbow grease when de-icing your car in the morning.
15) Stock Up On Windshield Washer Fluid

Your windows get pretty dirty during the winter. You have ice and snow spewing onto your windshield from cars driving in front of you. You will need a lot of windshield washer fluid. You can make your own here.
16) DIY Vinegar De-Icer

Instantly de-ice your full windshield with a spray. Create it yourself. Mix three parts vinegar with one part water and spray the mixture onto your windshield so that ice will not form.
17) Prevent Your Side Mirrors From Frosting

Sometimes it takes a while from your side mirrors to defrost. Prevent them from freezing up by placed a plastic bag over your mirrors overnight. You only need to secure them with a rubber band.
18) Prevent Car Moisture

Cars can be filled with a lot of moisture in the winter from condensation and fogging. Fill a stocking or sock with kitty litter and leave it in your car overnight. It'll absorb all the water and moisture.
19) Put A Rug On Your Windshield

Place a rug or tarp over your windshield before it snows. The snow and ice will not stick. You merely have to pull it off.
20) Use A Penny To Check Your Tires

Having proper tire treads is so useful when driving in the winter. Hold a penny with your fingers grasping Lincoln’s body. Put it in one of the grooves in your tire. If the top of Lincoln’s head disappears, it's okay, if not you need new tires.
21) Use A Broom

Getting snow off the top of your vehicle is a pain in the ass. It can be dangerous, though, if you don’t. Push it off with a broom.
22) Smack Your Car Up

Is your car covered in ice? Smack the hood. It will shatter the ice.
23) Or Karate Chop It

Roll your window down. Karate chop the remaining ice. Just don’t hurt yourself.
24) Cardboard For Traction

Stuck in the snow? Keep some cardboard in your car. Put it under your tires for traction.
25) Don’t Leave Water Bottles In Your Car

Don't leave water bottles in your car during the winter. It'll create frost on the inside of the windows. Just toss them or bring them inside.
Reference: News.homehacks
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