A horse named Storm is taking the web by…storm. The eight-year-old Haflinger mare (a breed popular for their beautiful hair) has an enthusiastic following in social media thanks to her wavy golden locks. Not only are her gentle curls perfectly styled, but they also effortlessly fall down her back. The horse's glamour even earned her the nickname “Rapunzel” after the famous character in the classic fairytale.
Naomi Beckers is Storm’s human. The 24-year-old student and entrepreneur purchased Storm from her previous owner two years ago after noticing her fantastic head of hair. Together, the two could be hair twins; Beckers has the same blonde wavy locks that trail down her head. Since entering the young woman’s life, the Haflinger horse’s hair has been growing and growing—intentionally being kept long and luscious. It hasn’t been cut since she was two years and is now over three feet in length. Occasionally, it is braided for her protection.
With an ever-growing audience of over 34,000 followers, it’s safe to say that Storm is Insta-famous. Followers can’t seem to get enough. “I was planning to post a few pictures on it [Storm’s Instagram] from time to time, but people kept asking me when I would post another photo,” Beckers says. “It is actually a bit out of control, but I think it is very nice that it has grown so much!”
You can follow Beckers and Storm on Instagram.
Naomi Beckers & Storm: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
h/t: Oddity Central
indeed its amazing and beautiful mind blowing lovely pictures i love the way that girl has taken pictures beautiful