Many of us are obsessed with vintage stuff today, from clothes and music to literally wishing we had grown up in the 60s. However, we often tend to forget that our dear parents were the ones who started all these trends we now admire.
Internet users are now sharing pictures of their parents when they were young and hip, and it is pretty much safe to say that they were about a hundred times cooler than us. Perhaps it was all the psychedelic rock, Mustangs, and mullets.
Scroll down to take a walk back in time:
My Mother Skateboarding Barefoot In California In 1974

I Found A Photo Of My Dad Cooking A Barbecue On Top Of A Moving Submarine

My Dad Sculpting A Bust Of My Mom 1980s

A Friend Of My Father's, Telling Off A Klan Member. Auburn AL, 1985

My Dad Skateboarding At Hyde School 1982. I Think He Was Cooler Than Me

My Mom At 16 Yrs Old With Her Camaro In 1975

My Dad Being Infinitely Cooler Than I'll Ever Be (1980)

My Mother When She Was A Tank Instructor In 1984

My Dad, Taken For Surfer Magazine. Peru, 1977

Late 1960's, My Dad

My Mom In Moscow 1975. From All The Stories She's Told Me About Her Travels, I Wouldn't Be Surprised If She Was A Spy

My Dad's First Car, A 1939 Ford. He Bought It With His Own Money That He Earned Farming (And Drove It Daily). He Was 11 When He Bought It, So This Photo Was Taken In 1948

My Dad Wasn't Famous, But His Moves Were Pretty Cool (1977)

My Dad In Saudi Arabia In The 70's Working As A US Military Contractor Diving In The Red Sea

My Dad In The 70's Doing What He Loves. Father To 4 Boys. More Man Than Myth Or Legend

My Dad Teaching Math In Southern California (Late 70's/Early 80's)

My Moms Selfie Before It Was Cool (1989)

My Mom And Dad On Their Wedding Day - 1980

My Mom When She Lived In Alaska With Her Husky Puppy, Okie

48 Beers And A Unicycle. My Dad In The Early 80s

Mom's 'Garden' 1980's

Me Looking Up To My Fighter Pilot Dad In The Late 1980's

So I Was Going Through Some Old Photos And I Found This. My Dad Holding Magic Johnson And Looking Incredibly Bad-Ass While Doing It

My Mom Working At Nasa, 1974

My Mom Skating With A Broken Wrist In The Late 70's

My Dad In Alaska, Circa 1980. I Hope To Be Half The Man He Is One Day

Mom Wasn't The Pilot, But She Was A Tech On The F-4 Phantom Back In The 80's

My Mom Winning The Pie Eating Contest By Beating All The Boys, 1950

My Dad In France Is The '70s (Ryan Gosling Might Need A Paternity Test)

My Father In 1982. When I Asked Him What He Was Doing In This Photo, He Said, "Shooting An Album Cover. Duh"

My Mother And Father Being Young And Awesome On Santorini Island, Greece, 1985. I Was Conceived There

My Dad And His Cousins, Back In The Day. I Don't Think The Cool Gene Was Passed Down To Me

When My Dad Was 16, He Entered His Name In A Drawing, For What He Thought Was A Sports Jacket, At A Local Shoe Store. The Drawing Was Actually For A 1967 Shelby GT500. He Won

My Friend's Dad Trained Seals In The Navy. This Was What His Everyday Job Looked Like

My Cool AF Dad At 19 (1973)

Wow! This is so cool!! Thank you for sharing.
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